3 Doors Down
Stiluri: Alternative
Biografie 3 Doors Down
Formatia americana 3 Doors Down s-a infiintat in 1994 in Escatawpa, Mississippi. Stil: alternative rock Componenta: Brad Arnold - voce Matt Roberts - chitara Chris Henderson - chitara Todd Harrell - bass Greg Upchurch - tobe Discografie: 3 Doors Down (1997) The Better Life (2000) Away from the Sun (2002) Seventeen Days (2005) 3 Doors Down (2008) 3 DOORS DOWN www.3doorsdown.com www.myspace.com/3doorsdown ...Toata biografia 3 Doors Down
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Linkin Park
Vita de Vie
Green Day
30 Seconds to Mars
Luna Amara
Stiri cu 3 Doors Down
Basistul 3 Doors Down, arestat pentru consum de droguri
Todd Harrell, basistul formatiei 3 Doors Down, a fost arestat in data de 18 februarie dupa ce politistii din Mississippi l-au gasit lesinat in autoturism. Ofiterul Wayne Payne a declarat pentru Asociated Press: 'Nu a fost nevoie de prea mult efort pentru a concluziona ca respectivul este sub influenta...
Basistul 3 Doors Down s-a internat intr-o clinica de dezintoxicare
Asa cum v-am anuntat ieri, basistul Todd Harrell a fost eliberat marti contra unei cautiuni de 100.000 de dolari. Ca urmare a accidentului produs, Harrell s-a internat intr-o clinica de dezintoxicare la scurt timp dupa eliberarea sa. Basistul 3 Doors Down trebuie sa raspunda in fata acuzatiilor de omor din culpa....
Basistul 3 Doors Down, eliberat pe o cautiune de 100.000 de dolari
Todd Harrell, basistul formatiei 3 Doors Down, a fost eliberat marti contra unei cautiuni de 100.000 de dolari. Artistul se va intoarce in sala de judecata pe 25 aprilie pentru a face fata acuzatiilor de omor din culpa. Conform raportului initial, Harrell a izbit cu masina sa un alt autovehicul ce ulterior a...
Basistul 3 Doors Down, arestat pentru omor din culpa
Todd Harell, basistul formatiei 3 Doors Down, a fost arestat in seara de 19 aprilie pentru omor din culpa. Conform raportului initial, Harrell a izbit cu masina sa un alt autovehicul ce ulterior a derapat si a cazut intr-o prapastie. Soferul masinii nu purta centura de siguranta si a fost declarat mort la scurt...
3 Doors Down s-au folosit de republicani pentru a lansa o piesa noua
3 Doors Down au acceptat invitatia Partidului Republican de a sustine u nrecital la Conventia Nationala Republicana, desfasurata in Tampa, Florida si urmarita in toata lumea de milioane de oameni. Formatia s-a folosit de aceasta ocazie pentru a prezenta o piesa noua intitulata One Light. Versurile piesei par...
Videoclipuri 3 Doors Down
- Kryptonite
- Away from the Sun
- Here Without You
- Let Me Go
- It's Not My Time
- 3 Doors Down - Citizen Soldier
- 3 Doors Down - Here Without You - Germany 2005
- 3 Doors Down-Away from the Sun (Live)
- 3 Doors Down - Kryptonite (Live)
- 3 Doors Down - Landing in London - Germany 2005
- 3 Doors Down - Behind Those Eyes - Germany 2005
- 3 Doors Down - Let Me Be Myself (Acoustic on K-Rock)
- 3 Doors Down - When Im Gone - Germany 2005
- 3 Doors Down - Father's Son (Acoustic at ORL)
Top Versuri 3 Doors Down
Here Without You
It's Not My Time
Let Me Be Myself
Let Me Be Myself
When I'm Gone
Your Arms Feel Like Home
She Don't Want the World
Be Somebody
Let Me Go
Here by Me
Give It to Me
Give It To Me
Your Arms Feel Like Home
Going Down in Flames
These Days
These Days
When It's Over
Be Like That
Not Enough
Down Poison
Life of My Own
Sarah Yellin'
It's Not My Time
Landing in London
Behind Those Eyes
She Don't Want The World
It's the Only One You've Got
By My Side
Duck and Run
It's The Only One You've Got
So I Need You
I Feel You
Running Out of Days
The Road I'm On
Ticket to Heaven
Away from the Sun
Better Life
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords 3 Doors Down
- Here Without You Tab
- Here Without You (ver3) Chords
- Landing In London Chords
- Here Without You Chords
- Fathers Son Chords
- Here Without You Bass Tab
- Landing In London Tab
- Kryptonite Chords
- Here Without You Intro Tab
- When Im Gone Chords
- So I Need You Acoustic Chords
- Kryptonite Tab
- Be Like That Acoustic Chords
- When Im Gone (ver3) Chords
- Loser Chords
- Kryptonite (ver3) Tab
- Let Me Go Chords
- Here Without You Chords
- Here Without You (ver3) Tab
- Landing In London Bass Tab
- Story Of A Girl Chords
- Here Without You (ver5) Chords
- Be Like That Chords
- Running Out Of Days Tab
- Kryptonite (ver2) Chords
- Going Down In Flames Chords
- Here Without You (ver5) Tab
- Landing In London Intro Tab
- Kryptonite (ver7) Tab
- Landing In London (ver9) Tab
- Loser Solo Tab
- Be Like That (ver2) Chords
- Kryptonite Intro Tab
- Kryptonite (ver5) Tab
- Let Me Go Tab
- Here Without You (ver2) Tab
- Ticket To Heaven Chords
- Right Where I Belong Tab
- Citizen Soldier (ver2) Tab
- When Im Gone Tab
- Pages Tab
- Here Without You (ver6) Tab
- So I Need You Acoustic Tab
- When Im Gone Solo (ver2) Tab
- Loser Tab
- Away From The Sun (ver5) Tab
- Not Enough (ver2) Tab
- Here Without You (ver7) Tab
- Be Somebody Chords
- Down Poison Chords