Artist: 30 Seconds to Mars
Song: Buddha for Mary
Album: 30 Seconds to Mars
Tabbed by: StarChild
Tuning (from low to high) CGCFAD
Intro - guitars 1 and 2
Play three times Fourth time
Verse - guitar 2 (w/chorus) first play palm muted. Then without
palm mutes.
Intro - guitar 1 w/ Intro - guitar 2 in the background
This is intro - guitar 2
Play three times
Fourth time
Chorus - guitar 1
Listen to album for strumming pattern
Chorus - guitar 2
Play verse - guitar 2 (w/chorus) using all palm mutes
Breakdown - guitar 1
Breakdown - guitar 2
Breakdown - guitar 3
Breakdown 2 - guitars 1 and 2
*this part was probably recorded using floating bridges and
whammy bars instead of slides.
Intro w/ variations - guitars 1 and 2
*Listen to album for strumming pattern
Play three fourth Play three times Play last
times time
Chorus w/ variations - guitar 1
Chorus w/ variations - guitar 2
Play three times