A Skylit Drive
Stiluri: Experimental
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Truda
System of a Down
Dirty Shirt
Paradox Romania
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Bad Religion
Gandul Matei
Stiri cu A Skylit Drive
Alesana merg in turneu cu A Skylit Drive, Sleeping With Sirens si altii
Alesana sunt headlinerii turneului american "Rock Yourself To Sleep", in care ii vor avea in deschidere pe A Skylit Drive, Sleeping With Sirens, Atilla, Memphis May Fire si Serianna. Alesana doar ce a incheiat turneul The All Stars Tour pe 22 august, unde s-au aflat pe acelasi afis, printre altii, cu...
A Skylit Drive au lansat un nou album
Americanii de la A Skylit Drive au lansat un nou album intitulat "Identity on Fire" la Fearless Records. Acesta poate fi cumparat de pe iTunes la pretul de $11,99. Albumul contine 14 piese si videoclipul piesei "Too Little Too Late". Tracklist: 1. "Carry the Broken" 2....
A Skylit Drive au lansat un videoclip nou: Too Little Too Late
"Too Little Too Late" este cel mai nou videoclip al trupei de post-hardcore A Skylit Drive si poate fi urmarit pe METALHEAD accesand linkul de mai jos. Piesa aparitine albumului " Identity on Fire ", lansat pe 15 februarie 2011 sub Fearless Records. A Skylit Drive au inceput turneul...
Filmari cu A Skylit Drive din turneu
Acum este timpul pentru A Skylit Drive sa straluceasca. Formatia va lansa cat de curand cel de-al treilea full-length, Identity On Fire, prin intermediul Fearless Records. A Skylit Drive au inceput turneul " Full Collapse " pe 20 ianuarie alaturi de Animals As Leaders, Underoath si Thursday....
Spot video pentru truneul Underoath si Thursday
Spotul de promovare pentru turneul " Full Collapse" sustinut de Underoath si Thursday alaturi de A Skylit Drive si Animals As Leaders poate fi urmarit mai jos. Datele turneului sunt urmatoarele: Jan 18 -The Engine Room Tallahassee, FL Jan 20 -...
Top Versuri A Skylit Drive
500 days of bummer
Wires And The Concept Of Breathing
Air The Enlightenment
Running With The Light
Eva The Carrier
All It Takes For Your Dreams To Come True
Pursuit Lets Wisdom Ride The Wind
Your Mistake
Thank God It's Cloudy Cause I'm Allergic To Sunlight
My Disease
It's Not Ironic It's Obvious
Prelude To A Dream
Those Cannons Could Sink A Ship
See You Around
The Boy Without A Demon
City On The Edge Of Forever
The Children Of Adelphia
I Swear This Place Is Haunted
In The Beginning There Was Void
Knights Of The Round
Eris And Dysnomia
Im Not A Thief, Im A Treasure Hunter
This Isnt The End
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords A Skylit Drive
- All It Takes For Your Dreams To Come True Chords
- Hey Nightmare Where Did You Get Them Teeth Chords
- A Reason For Broken Wings Tab
- She Watched The Sky (album) Bass Tab
- Drown The City Tab
- Drow The City Tab
- A Reason For Broken Wings Chords
- A Reason For Broken Wings Bass Tab
- Acording To Columbus Intro Tab
- Past The Love The Memories (ver3) Tab
- Drown The City Bass Tab
- 238 Bass Tab
- All Star Diaries Bass Tab
- Past The Love The Memories Bass Tab
- All Stars Diaries Tab
- According To Columbus (ver2) Tab
- Hey Nightmare Where Did You Get Them Teeth Tab
- Past The Love The Memories (ver2) Tab
- All-star Diaries Tab
- Past The Love The Memories Tab
- According To Columbus Tab
- Hey Nightmare Where Did You Get Them Teeth Bass Tab
- According To Colombus Bass Tab
- Those Cannons Could Sink A Ship Tab
- All Star Diaries Tab
- This Isnt The End Tab
- City On The Edge Of Forever Tab
- Ex Machina Tab
- Eva The Carrier Tab
- Eris And Dysnomia Tab
- Balance Tab
- According To Columbus Chords
- Too Little Too Late Tab
- Prelude To A Dream Tab
- Ex Marks The Spot Tab
- Fuck The System Tab
- See You Around Tab
- Xo Skeleton Tab