Cantaretul AC/DC Brian Johnson isi lanseaza autobiografia The Lives Of Brian" luna viitoare

de Cristi Nedelcu

Cantaretul AC/DC Brian Johnson isi lanseaza autobiografia The Lives Of Brian

Brian Johnson, legendarul lider al AC/DC, isi va publica autobiografia mult asteptata, „The Lives Of Brian”, pe 13 octombrie 2022 – cu un an mai tarziu decat era planificat initial.

Cartea va fi publicata in Marea Britanie de catre Penguin Michael Joseph, o divizie a Penguin Random House, de catre directorul de publicatii Rowland White. Aceasta va fi publicata simultan in SUA de catre Dey Street Books, parte a grupului William Morrow de la HarperCollins.

Brian Johnson s-a alaturat AC/DC in 1980, dupa moartea fostului cantaret Bon Scott. Primul sau album cu trupa, „Back In Black”, a devenit cel mai bine vandut album rock din toate timpurile.

Dupa un sfert de secol de albume premiate cu platina si turnee internationale, el a fost fortat sa paraseasca trupa in 2016, dupa ce si-a pierdut auzul, dar a revenit triumfator in 2020 odata cu lansarea piesei „Power Up”, care a ajuns nr. 1 in 21 de tari. Pe vremuri, sofer de masini de curse de epoca, pe langa cariera sa muzicala, Brian a fost si prezentator al emisiunilor de televiziune „Cars That Rock With Brian Johnson” si „Brian Johnson: A Life Of The Road”.

„I've had some long nights and some great nights, some bad days and a lot of good days, and during that time I've gone from choirboy to rock 'n' roll singer, and now I've gone and written a bloody book about it” spune Johnson.

„Brian's memoir captures an unforgettable moment in rock history. Anyone who wants to understand Brian's roots as well as the moment of ignition when he joined AC/DC and helped create a monster album will be in for an unforgettable ride”, spune Mauro DiPreta, Dey Street Books. SVP/ editor executiv.

Rowland White a declarat despre Brian: „From growing up in the north-east, the son of a former British army sergeant-major and an Italian mother, to fronting world's biggest rock band, 'The Lives Of Brian' tells one of the best stories in music in Brian's own inimitable voice. His life has been a roller coaster of highs and lows during which success as a musician too often felt out of reach."

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