ALICE COOPER lanseaza o noua piesa, insotita de videoclip: 'Dead Don't Dance'

de Cristi Nedelcu

ALICE COOPER lanseaza o noua piesa, insotita de videoclip: 'Dead Don't Dance'

Alice Cooper a lansat videoclipul oficial al piesei „Dead Don’t Dance”. Clipul, care a fost creat de Marius Voigt de la Lichtschloss Filmproduktion, ofera o privire fascinanta in culise, cu imagini nevazute pana acum ale legendarului rockstar si ale trupei sale.

„Dead Don’t Dance” este preluat de pe cel mai recent album al lui Cooper, „Road”, care a fost lansat anul acesta pe 25 august prin earMUSIC.

Produs de Bob Ezrin, „Road” a fost scris, compus si inregistrat impreuna cu colegii de trupa ai lui Alice - Ryan Roxie (chitara), Chuck Garric (bass), Tommy Henrikson (chitara), Glen Sobel (tobe) si Nita Strauss ( chitara).

"In the past, the show got reviewed before the music did," a declarat Alice. "We had hit #1 albums, but it was always about what we did on stage. For 'Road', I wanted the band to be involved in the foundation of all the songs. I only see these guys when we're on the road. So, I wanted them to be as tight as they are for the show but on all new material. That's what we did for this record. When you have a band this good, I believe in showing it off, and this is my way of doing so."

Intrebat de The Messenger despre „Road” si felul in care a ales sa isi evidentieze formatia, Alice a spus: "Every once in a while, you get a touring band where everybody's best friends. There's no ego, there's no yelling, there's no people complaining about 'Oh, I'm not getting enough solos.' And that's such a luxury. I never have to worry about the band and when we get on stage, the band just kills it every night. So I said to my producer that I want to feature the band; I really want to write the songs with the band. They all brought songs in, and then I said, 'Now here's the trick. We're going to do all these live in the studio.' And that is the proof of a really good band, when they can do that."

Primul single de pe album „I’m Alice” da tonul intregului material cu ritmul sau. Versurile de asemenea contribuie la atmosfera albumului: "I know you're looking for a real good time. So, let me introduce you to a friend of mine. I'm Alice. I'm the Master of Madness; the Sultan of Surprise…so don't be afraid, just look into my eyes."

Kane Roberts face o aparitie speciala, contribuind la piesa „Dead Don’t Dance”. Alti invitati speciali ai albumului ii includ pe Tom Morello de la RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE, care a co-scris si canta pe piesa „White Line Frankenstein”, Keith Nelson de la BUCKCHERRY si Wayne Kramer de la MC5, care, de asemenea, au compus noi meodii pentru album, impreuna cu Alice.

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