Amaranthe au lansat un nou single insotit de clip, 'Archanghel'

de Cristi Nedelcu

Amaranthe au lansat un nou single insotit de clip, 'Archanghel'

Trupa a lansat cel de-al treilea single de pe albumul "Manifest", material ce va fi disponibil de pe 2 octombrie via Nuclear Blast Records.

"Fire and brimstone! Savor the sweet scent of sulfur as Amaranthe delves deep into Miltonian lore with 'Archangel'! An ancient tale of the fall of the angel Lucifer Morningstar was interpreted as a Greek tragedy in John Milton's seminal 'Paradise Lost', and it is from this perspective we tell a brief yet momentous story of greed, betrayal, and overblown pride, an all too familiar and contemporary theme.", a declarat trupa.

"Archanghel" a sosit cu un clip ce poate fi vazut mai jos.

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