Amaranthe au lansat un nou single insotit de clip, 'Boom!1'

de Cristi Nedelcu

Amaranthe au lansat un nou single insotit de clip, 'Boom!1'

Amaranthe au revenit cu un nou single de pe proaspatul album lansat, 'Manifest', insotit de un videoclip "exploziv" realizat in studioul GRUPA 13

"At a time when everyone has an opinion on everything, our GG6 revolver snout. Secures its right to simply help itself and watch with a small arsenal of explosive materials, garnished with a ton or two of dynamite How your opinion goes 'BOOM! 1' Discussions about elections, pandemics and riots have split society, but our growl god prefers everything at 1000 ' F. A storm of derailing metal with the fastest growls on the scene , makes 'BOOM! 1' a sequel of 'GG6' and sets the bar particularly high in any form - with a Tarantino-style music video that is just as entertaining as the trailer itself! So, grab a glass Napalm and let your world go down in a 'BOOM! 1'!", a declarat trupa.

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