Amorphis a facut public titlul noului album, data de lansare si artwork-ul acestuia

de Cristi Nedelcu

Amorphis a facut public titlul noului album, data de lansare si artwork-ul acestuia

Amorphis revine cu un nou material discografic dupa 3 ani. Ultimul disc, 'Under the Read Cloud' a fost lansat in 2015.

Anul acesta, pe 18 Mai va fi lansat al 13-lea album al formatiei din Finlanda ce sa va intitula 'Queen of Time'.

Mai jos aveti artwork-ul acestuia.

Despre 'Queen of Time' Esa Holopainen a declarat:"I guess Queen Of Time turned out as a massive surprise to all of us. During the rehearsing and pre-production we didn’t have any idea that Jens had this huge picture inside of his head about the landscape of the album.

It's a very natural continuation to Under The Red Cloud but with steroids. The songs are more aggressive but there's more dynamics, harmonies and orchestral arrangements present.

The result is Amorphis as something you’ve never heard before!"

Poze Poze pentru articole - Amorphis

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