Amorphis au lansat un lyric video pentru 'Brother & Sister'
29 Ianuarie 2021 de Cristi Nedelcu
Trupa a lansat un lyric video pentru single-ul extras de pe albumul 'Queen of Time'.
Noul material se gaseste in 666 de exemplare in format de vinil si va fi disponibil pentru comanda pe site-ul Nuclear Blast.
"We have two great songs from the" Queen Of Time "sessions on vinyl. The atmospheric 'Brother And Sister' and the majestic 'As Mountains Crumble' were both candidates for the final tracklist of" Queen Of " Time "but eventually became bonus tracks to give some special editions of the album that certain something. With this vinyl release, both songs finally get the attention they deserve.", a declarat Santeri Kallio.
Materialul poate fi vazut mai jos.
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