Amorphis au resemnat cu Nuclear Blast si vor lansa un nou album
15 Septembrie 2017 de Cristi Nedelcu
In ultimii 2 ani, Amorphis au fost plecati in turneul de promovare a ultimului album, 'Under the Red Cloud'.
Au avut loc si schimbari in trupa, dupa ce basistul Niclas Etelavuori a parasit formatia, fiind inlocuit de primul basist Amorphis Olli-Pekka Laine.
Acum, formati a anuntat ca s-au intors sub egida Nuclear Blast Records si ca vor intra in studio pentru a inregistra un nou album.
Esa Holopainen a declarat urmatoarele:
"It’s really nice to be working with the professional and familiar staff of Nuclear Blast Records and Ward Records. Amorphis has done a lot of touring for the past two years around the globe and now it’s time to head back to the studio. This means that the new album will be released next year! It has also been a really nice experience for all of us to play with Olli-Pekka again and for that reason we’re glad to have him participating in the making of the new record."
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