Stiluri: Punk
Biografie Anti-Flag
Tara: SUA Stil: punk rock Discografie: Die for the Government (1996) Their System Doesn't Work for You (1998) A New Kind of Army (1999) Underground Network (2001) Mobilize (2002) The Terror State (2003) For Blood and Empire (2006) The Bright Lights of America (2008) Componenta: Justin Sane voce/chitara Chris #2 voce/bass Chris Head chitara Pat Thetic tobe ANTI-FLAG ...Toata biografia Anti-Flag
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Stiri cu Anti-Flag
Anti-Flag vor transmite concerte online si vor discuta cu fanii
Trupa va transmite spectacolele de la festivalurile la care a cantat si va discuta live cu fanii in timpul fluxului live. "At times of societal unrest, Anti-Flag have always looked to the punk rock community and work of our shows for solace. Because we can't tour right now, we wanted to find a way to stay...
E.M.I.L. deschide concertul ANTI-FLAG de pe 1 Februarie din Quantic
ANTI-FLAG canta la Bucuresti pe 1 februarie in Quantic Club. In deschidere vor urca pe scena E.M.I.L. E.M.I.L. este una din cele mai longevive trupe ale scenei locale din Romania, implinind anul acesta 20 de ani de activitate. Au pornit la drum cu o combinatie de punk-rock si ska, iar in prezent acestia au...
Anti-Flag a lansat un clip nou pentru 'Unbreakable'
Pe 17 Ianuarie Anti-Flag va lansa un nou material discografic intitulat 20/20. De pe acest viitor album trupa a ales peisa Unbreakable pentru un nou videoclip. Clipul marcheaza colaboarea dintre formatie si The Critics Company, un grup de adolescenti din Nigeria care folosesc smartphone-urile proprii...
Vezi noul videoclip ANTI-FLAG, This Is The New Sound
Anti-Flag au lansat un nou videoclip, "This Is The New Sound", extras de pe viitorul album al trupei ce va fi lansat pe 20 martie via Sideondummy Records. Clipul a fost filmat la inchisoarea Ohio State Reformatory, aceeasi in care a fost s-a filmat si " Shawshank Redemption ", film celebru in...
Anti-Flag lanseaza un album nou in 2011
Anti-Flag au anuntat ca vor lansa un nou album pana la sfarsitul acestui an. Solistul Justin Sane a declarat in cadrul unui interviu acordat recent: "Speram sa lansat noul album in toamna". "Am inregistrat in ultimele cateva luni si vom termina lucrul la album la sfarsitul verii", sustine...
Videoclipuri Anti-Flag
Top Versuri Anti-Flag
08. Summer Squatter Go Gome
Summer Squatter Go Home
Red, White And Brainwashed
06. Red White and Brainwashed
The Modern Rome Burning
Go West
Sodom, Gomorrah, Washington D.C. (Sheep In Shepherd's Clothing)
If You Wanna Steal (You Better Learn How To Lie)
The Economy Is Suffering, Let It Die
Spit In The Face
No Warning
Tar And Sagebrush
The Smartest Bomb
Good And Ready
The Bright Lights Of America
When All The Lights Go Out
This Is The First Night
Shadow Of The Dead
No War Without Warriors (How Do You Sleep?)
We Are The Lost
The Ink And The Quill (Be Afraid)
We Are The One
The Gre(a)t Depression
The Old Guard
You Are Fired (Take This Job)
On Independence Day
03. A New Kind of Army
Indie Sux, Hard-Line Sux, Emo Sux, You Suck!
05. No Apology
02. Captain Anarchy
A New Kind Of Army
Vieques, Puerto Rico: Bikini Revisited
Police Story
16. Confused Youth
06. Got the Numbers
1 Trillion Dollar$
The Press Corpse
07. No Difference
Angry, Young And Poor
Antithetic To The Cure
Daddy Warbux
10. Poliece State in the U.S.A.
11. Punk by the Book
14. Kille the Rich
09. Right On
Betty Sue Is Dead
Davey Destroyed The Punk Scene
03. Drink Drank Punk
01. Tearing Everyone Down
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Anti-Flag
- One Trillion Dollars Chords
- Captain Anarchy (ver2) Tab
- Police Story (ver2) Bass Tab
- Betty Sue Is Dead Bass Tab
- Police State In The Usa Tab
- Confused Youth Tab
- We Want To Be Free (ver2) Bass Tab
- Anthem For The New Millennium Generation Tab
- The Ink And The Quill Tab
- This Machine Kills Fascists Tab
- Protest Song (ver2) Chords
- Welcome To 1984 Chords
- This Is The End For You My Friend (ver2) Tab
- Free Nation Chords
- Shes My Little Go Go Dancer Bass Tab
- This Is The End For You My Friend Bass Tab
- Turncoat (ver2) Tab
- Sodom Gomorrah Washington Dc Sheep In Shepherds Clothing Tab
- The Economy Is Sufferinglet It Die Tab
- Turncoat (ver4) Tab
- Your Daddy Was A Rich Man Tab
- This Is The End For You My Friend Tab
- Vieques Puerto Rico Bikini Revisited Tab
- The New Protest Song Tab
- Summer Squatter Go Home Bass Tab
- For Blood And Empire (album) Tab
- Culture Revolution Bass Tab
- No Borders No Nations Live Bass Tab
- Your Daddy Was A Rich Man Bass Tab
- Anti Violent Bass Tab
- You Can Kill The Protestor But You Cant Kill The Protest Bass Tab
- Turncoat Tab
- Tearing Down The Borders (ver2) Tab
- Seattle Was A Riot Bass Tab
- War Sucks Lets Party Tab
- Stars And Stripes Tab
- Right To Choose Bass Tab
- Watch The Right Tab
- Underground Network (ver2) Bass Tab
- War Sucks Lets Party (ver2) Bass Tab
- Vieques Puerto Rico Bikini Revisited Bass Tab
- This Machine Kills Fascists Bass Tab
- Turncoat (ver3) Tab
- This Is The End For You My Friend (ver3) Bass Tab
- Underground Network Tab
- Thats Youth (ver3) Tab
- This Is The End For You My Friend Intro Tab
- Turncoat (ver2) Bass Tab
- War Sucks Lets Party Bass Tab
- Tearing Everyone Down Bass Tab