Apa Simbetii
Biografie Apa Simbetii
Chapter I: Of Smoke and Ash
The band started out under the name "Smoke and Ash" in October 2008 at the initiative of Mihai Dinca (guitar) along with Iona Ambrosi (guitar), Ioana Pohontu (vocals), Mihnea (drums) and Lara (bass guitar).Back then, the genre they approached was Doom/Death. Guitarist Adrian Constantin joined the band in November, the same year.
Chapter II: What has been made must also be Unmade
In March 2009, the three girls left the band, Adi started doing the second guitar and Cristian Stegeran joined in for the vocals. In April 2009, Radu Udroiu took the bassist''s vacant place and the band continued on the same musical style, but under the name "Unmade".
Chapter III: And all shall flow with the Water and the Spirits within
Due to some complications, the drummer had to leave the band and Mihai took his place temporarily with Dragos Horodnic doing the other guitar until Mihai "Misu" Petrosel became the new drummer in October 2009 and Mihai retook his......Toata biografia Apa Simbetii
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Sepultura
Pink Floyd
Negura Bunget
In Flames
Children Of Bodom
Jimi Hendrix
30 Seconds to Mars
Roger Waters
Cradle of Filth
Stiri cu Apa Simbetii
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Formatia bucuresteana APA SIMBETII anunta lansarea variantei remasterizate a albumului de debut NIHIL SAPIENT si lucreaza intens la compozitia unui nou material discografic pentru anul 2018. Lansat in 2013 in clubul Private Hell din Bucuresti, albumul Nihil Sapient a fost foarte bine primit de publicul...
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Asculta doua piese noi Apa Simbetii
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Metal Support & Blaster Promotion va invita joi, 24 mai, in Club Ageless din Bucuresti la un concert cu: L.O.S.T. Krepuskul Malpraxis Apa Simbetii Pretul unui bilet este de 15 lei, iar concertul incepe dupa ora 19:00. L.O.S.T. Formatia L.O.S.T a luat fiinta in martie 2004, dupa una...
Concert BACKLASH si APA SIMBETII in Damage Rock Club
Vineri, 16 martie 2012, de la 22:30 va asteptam in Damage Rock Club pentru un concert extraordinar al trupelor: Backlash Apa Simbetii Rezervari la tel 0765328818 si 0735118598 Damage Rock Club - Calea Victoriei 18-20, Pasajul Vilacrosse.