Arcade Fire
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Linkin Park
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Stiri cu Arcade Fire
Arcade Fire - Reflektor (album streaming)
Cei de la Arcade Fire au decis sa ofere fanilor prin streaming - in intregime - noul lor album "Reflektor" , ce va fi lansat oficial pe data de 28 Octombrie. Materialul a fost produs de James Murphy , iar membrii trupei s-au declarat influentati de muzica haitiana, de filmul din 1959...
Arcade Fire castiga Polaris Music Prize 2011
Arcade Fire au castigat in 2011 premiul Polaris Music Prize, echivalentul canadian al premiului britanic Mercury, pentru albumui "The Suburbs". Trupa a ridicat premiul in valoare de 30.000 de dolari la ceremonia care a avut loc pe 19 septembrie la Toronto . Nominalizatii la Polaris 2011 au fost:...
Arcade Fire au cantat la BBC Later with Jools Holland (video)
Arcade Fire au cantat live la BBC Later with Jools Holland recent, iar doua filmari de la eveniment pot fi vazute mai jos. Trupa a ales piesele " Ready To Start " si " The Suburbs ". Arcade Fire au lansat cel mai recent album, " The Suburbs " in august 2010. Tracklist The...
Arcade Fire au cantat la ultimul concert LCD Soundsystem (video)
Arcade Fire s-au alaturat celor de la LCD Soundsystem la ultimul concert pe care acestia din urma il vor mai sustine vreodata. O filmare de la concertul de adio ce a avut loc pe 2 aprilie la Madison Square Garden din New York este disponibila mai jos. Win Butler, Regine Chassagne, Jeremy Gara si Will...
Arcade Fire au sustinut un concert surpriza in Haiti
Arcade Fire au sustinut un concert surpriza in Haiti , in care au inlcus si coveruri dupa piese ale unor trupe ca Blondie, Cyndi Lauper, The Rolling Stones si Creedence Clearwater Revival. Setlistul Arcade Fire a fost: 'Who'll Stop The Rain' (Creedence Clearwater Revival cover) 'Keep The Car...
Top Versuri Arcade Fire
We Used To Wait
Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains)
Ready To Start
The Suburbs (Continued)
Half Light I
The Suburbs
Deep Blue
Month Of May
Suburban War
Wasted Hours
Sprawl I (Flatland)
City With No Children
Empty Room
Modern Man
Half Light II (No Celebration)
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Arcade Fire
- Cars And Telephones Chords
- Ocean Of Noise Chords
- Rebellion Lies Acoustic Chords
- No Cars Go (ver2) Tab
- My Body Is A Cage Chords
- Well And The Lighthouse Chords
- Antichrist Television Blues Chords
- City With No Children Chords
- Neighborhood 1 Tunnels Chords
- Une Annee Sans Lumiere Chords
- Rebellion Lies Chords
- Neon Bible Chords
- The Suburbs Chords
- Neighborhood 2 Laika Chords
- Headlights Look Like Diamonds Chords
- Wake Up (ver2) Chords
- Brazil Chords
- Vampire Forest Fire Chords
- Une Anee Sans Lumiere Tab
- In The Backseat Chords
- Virgin Mary Highway Tab
- Rebellion Lies Tab
- My Body Is A Cage (ver2) Chords
- Rebellion Lies (ver3) Tab
- Intervention Chords
- Intervention (ver3) Chords
- Black Mirror Chords
- Rebellion Lies (ver3) Chords
- No Cars Go Chords
- Haiti Chords
- Vampire Forest Fire (ver2) Chords
- Windowsill (ver2) Chords
- Wake Up (ver2) Bass Tab
- Rebellion Lies Bass Tab
- Crown Of Love Chords
- Windowsill Intro Tab
- Wake Up Chords
- Neighborhood 1 Tunnels (ver3) Chords
- Une Anne Sans Lumire Tab
- Windowsill Chords
- Wake Up Tab
- Rebellion Lies (ver2) Chords
- Wake Up Bass Tab
- Headlights Look Like Diamonds Tab
- Neighbourhood 3 Power Out Bass Tab
- Windowsill Tab
- My Heart Is An Apple Chords
- Black Waves Bad Vibrations Chords
- Neighbourhood 3 Power Out Tab
- Old Flame Tab