The First Deadly Sin - Arch Enemy
Tabbed by:guitar guy
Email:[email protected]
k this is my first tab so go easy, but i think its pretty much correct.
If u got corrections e-mail me and i'll put em in.
Riff 1 x2 (Guitar 1 + 2)
Riff 2 x2 (Guitar 1 + 2)
Guitar 1 finishs riff 2 with a c power chord (lowest one) while guitar 2
goes into riff 3
Riff 3 x8 (Guitar 2)
Guitar 1 joins in with riff 4 on the fifth time through Riff 3
Riff 4 x4 (Guitar 1)
For the verse
Riff 5 x1
Then play :
Riff 3 x2 (with guitar 1 playing riff 4 x2 over the top)
Riff 5 x1
Then go into riff 1 with pick slide and play twice
Riff 2 x2
Riff 3 x4 (with guitar 1 playing riff x4 over the top)
Riff 5 x1
Riff 3 x2 (with guitar 1 playing riff 4 x2 over the top)
Riff 5 x1
Then go into riff 1 with pick slide and play twice
Riff 2 x2
Riff 6 x6 (last two times less muting)
Riff 7 x4 (guitar 1 under first part of solo)
(hard 2 hear but seems right)
Hope i haven't made this too complicated, basically if u just want to
play the solo and don't care about all the other crap just follow
guitar 2's part till the end
Solo (Guitar 2) 2:27
k this is pretty fast buts its not actually as hard as it sounds
*Here on sweep picking
(2:41) k nows theres 3 guitars playing. Guitar 1 plays a rhythm riff,
Riff 8, underneath the medley thing of guitars 2 and 3.
Riff 8 x4 (Guitar 1)
Guitar 2 plays this (carrying on from his solo)
Guitar 3
Then guitar 2 plays this to end solo bit (guitar 3 stops) 2:47
Riff 9 x2 guitar 1 (*guitar 2)
Riff 3 x2
Riff 3 x6 with guitar 1 playing riff 4 x over the top
^^(Pausing slightly after second time through)^^
Riff 5 x1
Riff 3 x2 (with guitar 1 playing riff 4 x2 over the top)
Riff 5 x1
Riff 1 x2
Riff 2 x2
Then at very end they place this after Riff 2
Riff 10 x1
| / Slide
| // Slide all the way up the neck
| h Hammer-on
| p Pull-off
| r Slowly release bend
| ~ Vibrato
| + Harmonic
| x Mute note