Ascultati noua versiune a piesei 'Back To Black'

de Cristi Nedelcu

Ascultati noua versiune a piesei 'Back To Black'

Solistul trupei Asking Alexandria, Danny Worsnop, a lansat o noua versiune a piesei "Back To Black", single-ul regretatei artiste Amy Winehouse.

"I wanted to take some time to pay homage to some of the songs and artists that I love and who inspire me, and Amy Winehouse does so in spades. The soul and transparency in her music was always something I was drawn to, and it was a wonderful day spent in her shoes remaking and reimagining one of her greatest works with my own twist.

Amy, you were a true artist in the purest sense of the word. We were touched by your passion and your uniqueness. Your music forever hold a place in our hearts.", a declarat Danny.

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