At the Gates
Biografie At the Gates
Una din trupele de death metal melodic care s-au extins dincolo de Suedia, alaturi de Entombed , At The Gates au jucat un rol important pe scena death metalului, inainte sa se desparta in 1996, conducand la formarea trupei The Haunted . Componenta initiala a trupei era Tomas Lindberg (voce), Anders Bjorler (chitara), Adrian Erlandsson (tobe), Jonas Bjorler (bass), and Alf Svensson (chitara). Formata in 1990, formatia a lansat primul EP intitulat "Gardens of Grief". Dupa ce au luat parte la un turneu cu trupe cunoscute ca Bolt thrower si Dismember, au semnat cu Peaceville Records, care le-au lansat albumul "The Red in the Sky Is Ours". In 1993, l-au inlocuit pe Svensson cu Martin Larsson la chitara, au lansat cel de-al doilea album, "With Fear I Kiss The Burning Darkness", si au mers in turneu prin Marea Britanie impreuna cu Anathema si Cradle of Filth. A urmat albumul "Terminal Spirit Disease" lansat in mai 1994, care a marcat apropierea lor de genul death metal. Urmatorul......Toata biografia At the Gates
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Stiri cu At the Gates
At The Gates au scos un nou video animat "Garden Of Cyrus"
At The Gates transmit acum videoclipul animat pentru „Garden Of Cyrus” de pe cel mai recent album al lor, The Nightmare Of Being. La fel ca multe videoclipuri Century Media din ultima vreme, „Garden Of Cyrus” este animat de legendarul artist Costin Chioreanu. At the Gates este o trupa...
In Flames s-a intors cu al doilea single nou din 2022
In Flames a lansat ieri „The Great Deceiver”, iar daca va era dor de sound-ul vechi si unic al trupei, veti iubi aceasta noua piesa. Are toata melodicitatea si atmosfera pe care o regasim pe la mijlocul carierei In Flames si nu contine niciuna dintre vocile clean care se regasesc pe o multime...
At The Gates au lansat un nou single insotit de clip, 'The Nightmare Of Being'
Trupa a lansat videoclipul melodiei care da titlu albumului disponibil via Century Media Records. Solistul trupei, Tomas Lindberg, a declarat urmatoarele: "One of the main tracks on the album, truly dark and disturbing, with some classic old school harmonies in the style of AT THE GATES. I think some of...
At The Gates au lansat un nou single 'The Fall Into Time'
Trupa a lansat cel de-al treilea single de pe viitorul album 'The Nightmare Of Being' care va fi disponibil pe 2 iulie via Century Media Records. "Hello everybody! As you might have already guessed, this album is our most ambitious effort yet, including a lot of different orchestrations and new takes on...
At The Gates au lansat un nou single, 'The Paradox'
Trupa a lansat un nou single de pe viitorul material discografic, 'The Nightmare of Being', care va fi disponibil pe 2 iulie via Century Media Records. Iata ce a declarat solistul trupei, Tomas Lindberg Redant: "The overall theme deals with the topic of pessimism, and I have been diving deep down in...
Videoclipuri At the Gates
- At The Gates - Cold
- At The Gates - Blinded By Fear
- At The Gates - Terminal Spirit Disease
- At The Gates - Blinded By Fear (live)
- At The Gates - The Burning Darkness
- At The Gates - Blinded by fear (Gods of Metal 2008)
- At The Gates - Terminal Spirit Disease
- At The Gates - Raped By The Light Of Christ (Live `93)
- At The Gates - Slaughter Of The Soul
Top Versuri At the Gates
Blinded By Fear
Blood Of The Sunsets
Under A Serpent Sun
Suicide Nation
The Swarm
Forever Blind
Unto Others
Primal Breath
The Beautiful Wound
The Flames Of The End
Slaughter Of The Soul
Terminal Spirit Disease
The Fevered Circle
Kingdom Gone (Live)
Ever Opening Flower (demo)
Through The Red
The Architects
The Burning Darkness
Into The Dead Sky
World Of Lies
The Red In The Sky Is Ours
Kingdom Gone
Ever-Opening Flower
City Of Screaming Statues
Raped By The Light Of Christ
Terminal Spirit Disease
Through Gardens Of Grief
City Of Screaming Statues
The Break Of Autumn
All Life Ends
The Scar
And The World Returned
Blinded By Fear
Blood Of The Sunsets
Slaughter Of The Soul
Souls Of The Evil Departed
The Red In The Sky Is Ours / The Season To Come
The Burning Darkness
Kingdom Gone
Forever Blind
At The Gates
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords At the Gates
- Blinded By Fear Bass Tab
- Blinded By Fear (ver2) Tab
- Slaughter Of The Soul Tab
- Nausea Tab
- Slaughter Of The Soul (album) Tab
- Primal Breath Tab
- Blinded By Fear (ver3) Tab
- Blinded By Fear (ver4) Tab
- Legion Intro Tab
- Unto Others Tab
- Within Tab
- Terminal Spirit Disease Tab
- The Fevered Circle Bass Tab
- Windows Tab
- The Dying (ver2) Tab
- All Life Ends Tab
- Under A Serpent Sun Tab
- Slaughter Of Souls Tab
- And The World Returned Tab
- Kingdom Gone Tab
- World Of Lies Tab
- Blinded By Fear (ver5) Tab
- The Architects Bass Tab
- Blinded By Fear Tab
- The Dying Tab
- Suicide Nation Tab
- Need Tab
- The Swarm Tab
- Slaughter Of The Soul Bass Tab
- Cold Tab
- Into The Dead Sky Tab
- The Break Of Autumn Tab
- Raped By The Light Of Christ Tab
- The Red In The Sky Is Ours Tab