Band Of Horses
Stiluri: Alternative
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Linkin Park
Vita de Vie
Green Day
30 Seconds to Mars
Luna Amara
Stiri cu Band Of Horses
Band Of Horses au dat foc unui iPad atasat de o chitara uriasa (video)
Din motive cunoscute doar de cei aflati pe scena, formatia Band Of Horses au decis sa ataseze un iPad pe o chitara uriasa pe care ulterior au ars-o in timpul concertului din Memphis desfasurat in data de 2 mai. Filmarea cu pricina poate fi urmarita mai jos.
Band Of Horses anunta tracklist-ul noului album
Band Of Horses au dezvaluit tracklist -ul pentru viitorul album intitulat Infinite Arms, disponibil pe piata incepand cu data de 17 mai. Urmasul lui Cease To Begin , lansat in 2007, va fi precedat de un single intitulat Complimets, diponibil exclusiv in format digital. Intre timp grupul va porni...
Top Versuri Band Of Horses
No One's Gonna Love You
Ode to LRC
Lamb on the Lam (In the City)
Window Blues
Cigarettes, Wedding Bands
Detlef Schrempf
Marry Song
Islands on the Coast
The General Specific
Is There a Ghost
On My Way Back Home
Blue Beard
Evening Kitchen
NW Apartment
Infinite Arms
For Annabelle
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Band Of Horses
- Funeral Chords
- Is There A Ghost Chords
- The General Specific Chords
- Ends Not Near Tab
- Ode To Lrc Chords
- No Ones Gonna Love You Chords
- St Augustine Chords
- St Augustine Tab
- Funeral Tab
- Monsters Chords
- Marry Song Chords
- Weed Party (ver2) Chords
- No Ones Gonna Love You Tab
- Ends Not Near (ver2) Tab
- Weed Party Chords
- Funeral (ver2) Tab
- The Funeral Intro Tab
- Funeral (ver3) Tab
- St Augustine (ver2) Tab
- Wicked Gil Chords
- Wicked Gil (ver2) Chords
- Is There A Ghost Tab
- Great Salt Lake Chords
- I Lost My Dingle On The Red Line Chords
- Is There A Ghost (ver2) Tab
- Part One Chords
- Detlef Schrempf Tab
- The Great Salt Lake Chords
- Laredo Tab
- Evening Kitchen Chords
- Detlef Shrempf
- The First Song ver2 Tab
- Ode To Lrc Chords
- Chinese Tune Tab
- Neighbor Chords
- On My Way Back Home Chords
- Dilly Chords
- Window Blues Chords
- Is There A Ghost ver3 Tab
- Ends Not Near ver3 Tab
- Factory Chords
- The Funeral ver4 Chords
- For Annabelle Intro Tab
- The First Song Tab
- Life On Earth Chords
- The Funeral ver5 Tab
- St Augustine ver2 Chords