Bee Gees
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Stiri cu Bee Gees
A decedat Robin Gibb, membru fondator Bee Gees
Legendarul solist Robin Gibb a decedat duminica dupa o lunga lupta cu cancerul. Artistul in varsta de 62 de ani era nternat intr-un spital din Londra unde se afla in coma dupa ce contactase o forma periculoasa de pneumonie. Solistul a fost diagnosticat cu cancer la colon ce ulterior s-a raspandit catre...
ROBIN GIBB a iesit din coma
Robin Gibb (Bee Gees), a iesit din coma in mod miraculos, dupa mai multe zile de spitalizare. Bolnav de cancer hepatic si la colon, Robin Gibb a intrat in coma saptamana trecuta din cauza unei pneumonii. In cursul noptii de sambata spre duminica, insa, muzicianul a inceput sa isi revina, desi doctorii...
Solistul BEE GEES este in coma
Solistul Robin Gibb, membru fondator al grupului Bee Gees, se afla in coma intr-un spital din Londra. Artistul in varsta de 62 de ani sufera de cancer si se pare ca a contactat recent o forma periculoasa de pneumonie. 'Suntem alaturi de Robin.' a declarat un prieten de familie....
BEE GEES in varianta death metal (video)
De dragobete!
Bee Gees aniverseaza 50 de ani de cariera
Formatia Bee Gees va aniversa anul acesta 50 de ani de cariera. Evenimentul va fi marcat prin lansarea a doua compilatii. Prima dintre acestea se intituleaza Mythology , si contine patru discuri, fiecare dintre acestea fiind un tribut adus unuia dintre fratii Gibb. Tracklist-ul compilatiei este urmatorul:...
Top Versuri Bee Gees
12. Don't Forget To Remember
11. I Started a Joke
01. Alone
03. Bodyguard
11. Every Second, Every Minute
Deja Vu
01. Let There Be Love
02. I.O.I.O.
01. World
11. Give Your Best
07. Sweetheart
08. Bury Me Down by the River
01. Odessa (City on the Black Sea)
07. Angela
07. Massachusetts
04. Marley Purt Drive
Wedding Day
06. Such a Shame
03. Then You Left Me
Technicolour Dreams
10. Sound of Love
01. Charade
13. Swan Song
12. And the Sun Will Shine
09. Crying' Every Day
03. Down the Road
09. When the Swallows Fly
04. Don't Fall in Love With Me
10. Be Who You Are
05. Closer Than Close
09. Crazy for Your Love
Sacred Trust
04. Indian Gin and Whiskey Dry
12. Kilburn Towers
11. Turning Tide
10. Backtafunk
07. Suddenly
15. Never Say Never Again
05. Edison
10. The Chance of Love
09. Above and Beyond
07. Come Home Johnny Bridie
09. Edge of the Universe
11. Evolution
11. Fallen Angel
Promise The Earth
05. Birdie Told Me
01. If I Only Had My Mind on Something Else
11. Alive
08. Alone Again
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Bee Gees
- World Chords
- How Deep Is Your Love Chords
- Too Much Heaven Chords
- Words Chords
- Massachusetts Chords
- Tragedy Chords
- How Deep Is Your Love (ver4) Chords
- Words (ver2) Chords
- How Deep Is Your Love Tab
- You Win Again Chords
- Stayin Alive Bass Tab
- More Than A Woman Chords
- Morning Of My Life Chords
- Stayin Alive (ver2) Tab
- I Started A Joke Chords
- How Can You Mend A Broken Heart ver2 Chords
- For Whom The Bell Tolls Chords
- Staying Alive Tab
- To Love Somebody Bass Tab
- First Of May Chords
- Night Fever Chords
- Alone Chords
- Tragedy Tab
- To Love Somebody Chords
- Massachusetts Tab
- Love So Right Chords
- Stayin Alive (ver3) Tab
- Run To Me Chords
- Spicks And Specks Chords
- I Started A Joke (ver2) Chords
- She Keeps On Coming Chords
- New York Mining Disaster 19 Chords
- Stayin Alive Tab
- If I Cant Have You
- How Can You Mend A Broken Heart Chords
- Stayin Alive (ver2) Bass Tab
- Wedding Day Chords
- Shameless Chords
- Holiday Chords
- How Deep Is Your Love (ver3) Chords
- New York Mining Disaster 1941 Chords
- Ellan Vannin Chords
- Sea Of Smiling Face Chords
- How Deep Is Your Love (ver2) Chords
- Too Much Heaven Tab
- I Stared A Joke Tab
- Dont Forget To Remember Chords
- Saved By The Bell Chords
- You Win Again Bass Tab
- Run To Me (ver2) Chords