Nergal, solistul Behemoth, a tot avut probleme cu autoritatile poloneze. Ultima oara a fost acuzat ca a dat dovada de lipsa de respect fata de insemnele nationale ale tarii. In discutie era artworkul 'Republic of the Unfaithful' (Detalii AICI)
Se pare insa ca la trei luni dupa incident autoritatile poloneze au renuntat la acuzatii, chiar daca procurorul ar fi declarat urmatoarele: 'Republic of the Unfaithful' included elements and symbols considered Satanist and anti-Christian, with the aim of conveying content far removed from the historical and state ideology"
Atat Nergal cat si cel care a promovat online artwork-ul, Maciej G. dar si creatorul acestuia, Rafal Wechterowicz au fost oficial acuzati de afront adus emblemei nationale si ar fi fost pasibili de 1 an de inchisoare.
Autoritatile au inchis insa cazul iar cei trei au fost absolviti in totalitate.
Iata ce a declarat Nergal:
European Spring has welcomed me with a gorgeous weather and... a positive verdict in „the republic of the unfaithful” court case! Dismissed and all three of us are free of all the absurd charges! The design will soon be back in the stock so go and visit our webstore and show your support if u will! „The only way to deal with unfree world is to to become so absolutely free so your existence becomes an act of rebellion” said A.Camus. And I try to live my life by these wise and liberating words. It’s not easy tho considering circumstances: the world’s political tendencies, the upcoming tide of wrong interpreted patriotism combined with religious fanatism brings rather fatal solutions and elevates the level of obscurity beyond logic. But do not lose hope my fellow brothers and sisters. THINK FOR YOURSELF. Play your own game just make sure u play it hard and well! Stay independent and honest! Another battle won, yet the war ain’t over!
PS. Manticore, Rafal Wechterowicz, my lawyers Jacek and Gosia, to work with u guys is an honor and winner ALREADY! Keep it up and f**k THE SYSTEM!
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