Biffy Clyro
Stiluri: Alternative
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Stiri cu Biffy Clyro
Biffy Clyro: "Ce ne-a determinat sa facem un album dublu? Aroganta sau prostia!"
Albumul "Opposites" al celor de la Biffy Clyro a fost desemnat "Q Best Album presented by Bose" cu ocazia premiilor Q Awards de luni 21 Octombrie, eveniment organizat de Q Magazine. Solistul Simon Neil a vorbit atunci despre decizia de a face un album in format dublu-CD: "Ce ne-a...
Trent Reznor e furios: Biffy Clyro i-ar fi compromis concertul de la Reading Festival
Frontman-ul Trent Reznor revine in atentia publicului - de data aceasta solistul Nine Inch Nails ii acuza pe cei de la Biffy Clyro si pe promoterul Reading Festival, Melvin Benn, ca i-ar fi compromis productia tehnica. Cunoscut ca fiind un etern perfectionist, Reznor si-a varsat nervii intr-un post pe contul sau de...
Biffy Clyro au lansat un videoclip pentru noul single, Victory Over The Sun
Biffy Clyro au lansat un videoclip pentru piesa "Victory Over The Sun", cel de al doilea single de pe albumul "Opposites", lansat in luna ianuarie a acestui an. Puteti urmari videoclipul mai jos.
Sziget 2013 adauga pe afis Biffy Clyro si alte nume noi
Inca 24 de nume noi au primit "viza de concert" pentru Sziget, Insula Libertatii. Printre acestea se regaseste una dintre cele mai apreciate trupe britanice, Biffy Clyro si unul dintre cei mai talentati si amuzanti performeri ai scenei pop actuale, Mika. In plus, talentata Regina Spektor, fascinanta Bat...
Biffy Clyro - Biblical (videoclip nou)
Trupa scotiana de alternative si post hardcore Biffy Clyro a lansat un videoclip nou pentru promovarea noului album. Este vorba despre piesa "Biblical", iar videoclipul este diponibil mai jos. Albumul " Opposites " este un dublu disc, a fost lansat in luna februarie si prima piesa promovata de...
Videoclipuri Biffy Clyro
Top Versuri Biffy Clyro
Many Of Horror (When We Collide)
Drop It
Do You Remember What You Came For?
God & Satan
Hero Management
As Dust Dances
Now Im Everyone
Booooom, Blast And Ruin
Know Your Quarry
Living Is A Problem Because Everything Dies
A Man Of His Appalling Posture
Less The Product
My Recovery Injection
All The Way Down (Chapter 2)
Only One Word Comes To Mind
The Ideal Height
A Day Of...
Bodies In Flight
That Golden Rule
Christophers River
Joy. Discovery. Invention
When The Factions Fractioned
Some Kind Of Wizard
Saturday Superhouse
Whos Got A Match?
And With The Scissorkick Is Victorious
Scary Mary
Theres No Such Thing As A Jaggy Snake
Convex, Concave
Ewans True Mental You
Theres No Such Man As Crasp
A Whole Child Ago
The Conversation Is...
Born On A Horse
Diary Of Always
Stress On The Sky
All The Way Down; Prologue, Chapter 1
And Now The Action Is On Fire
With Aplomb
Get Fucked Stud
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Biffy Clyro
- Many Of Horror Tab
- Umbrella Acoustic Chords
- The Captain Tab
- Folding Stars Acoustic Chords
- Shock Shock Tab
- God And Satan Chords
- As Dust Dances Acoustic Tab
- Machines Chords
- Love Sex Magic Tab
- There Is No Such Thing As A Jaggy Snake Tab
- Drop It Chords
- Whos Got A Match Bass Tab
- Do You Remember What You Came For Tab
- Buddy Holly Tab
- Many Of Horror Tab
- Breatheher (ver3) Tab
- Toys Toys Toys (ver2) Tab
- Folding Stars (ver3) Tab
- Whos Got A Match Tab
- Good Practice Makes Permanent Bass Tab
- Joy Discovery Invention Tab
- Joy Discovery Invention Bass Tab
- Kids From Kibble And The Fist Of Light Tab
- When You Were Young Tab
- Questions And Answers Bass Tab
- My Recovery Injection Bass Tab
- Folding Stars (ver2) Tab
- The Captain Acoustic Chords
- Asexual Meat Kitchen Bass Tab
- The Atrocity Bass Tab
- 27 Bass Tab
- Iname Tab
- Breatheher (ver2) Tab
- Saturday Superhouse Bass Tab
- Twenty-seven Bass Tab
- 27 Tab
- Folding Stars Tab
- 57 (ver4) Tab
- A Day Of (ver2) Tab
- Glitter And Trauma Tab
- The Atrocity Tab
- Saturday Superhouse Acoustic Bass Tab
- Fifty Seven Bass Tab
- Kill The Old Torture Their Young Tab
- When The Factions Fractioned Bass Tab
- Toys Toys Toys Choke Toys Toys Toys Bass Tab
- Saturday Superhouse Acoustic Tab
- Wave Upon Wave Upon Wave Bass Tab
- Travis Perkins Tab
- Toys Toys Toys Tab