Black Label Society au lansat un nou single insotit de clip, 'End Of Days'
04 Noiembrie 2021 de Cristi Nedelcu
Trupa a revenit cu un nou single preluat de pe cel de-al 11-lea material discografic, 'Doom Crew Inc.', care va fi disponibil pe 26 noiembrie via MNRK Heavy.
Intr-un interviu acordat pentru postul de radio 105.5 WDHA din New Jersey, Zakk Wylde, a declarat urmatoarele:
"The way it always goes, it's always the music first and then a melody. And then I've gotta find out something I wanna sing about. So then I'll write the lyrics. That's usually always the way it goes. And then, when it's all done, then the solos go on it. The painting's all done, and the solo is the frame that goes on the thing. So you can sit back and look at the whole thing. That's the way we pretty much always do it."
Clipul pentru 'End Of Days' poate fi vizionat mai jos.
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