Tony Iommi organizeaza o licitatie pentru a ajuta personalul medical
06 Aprilie 2020 de Cristi Nedelcu
Tony Iommi va scoate la licitatie o serie de obiecte pentru a ajuta personalul medical ce se lupta cu pandemia COVID-19.
Iata ce a declarat chitaristul Black Sabbath: "We were about to announce a charity 'evening with Tony Iommi' to raise some money for the Birmingham hospitals, when this awful virus struck. Now as all charitable events have been cancelled, I wanted to still do something to help. So, I've put a few things together of my own up for auction. All the money raised will go to the Birmingham's Heartlands hospital charity.
Please! I hope that you can help, they really do need our support ! Without these doctors and nurses, what would we do....we owe them so much!"
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