Black Stone Cherry
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Stiri cu Black Stone Cherry
Black Stone Cherry au lansat single-ul 'Ringin 'In My Head' insotit de clip
Trupa a lansat videoclipul oficial pentru noul lor single "Ringin 'In My Head", piesa preluata de pe viitorul album de studio al trupei, "The Human Condition", ce va fi lansat pe 30 octombrie via Mascot Label Group. "Ringin' In My Head' was a song we had originally started to write back in...
Motorhead si Black Stone Cherry sunt intr-o disputa cu scuze si cocaina
Black Stone Cherry au declarat intr-un interviu recent ca in turneul pe care l-au avut cu Motorhead in urma cu sase ani, Lemmy si alti membri ai trupei le-ar fi oferit foarte des cocaina. "We did meet Lemmy and spoke with him and the funniest thing from the whole tour was that all of them would offer us...
Black Stone Cherry: Interviu cu John Fred Young (video)
Tobosarul John Fred Young de la Black Stone Cherry a fost intervievat recent cu ocazia concertului trupei in cadrul festivalului Getaway Rock (5-6 iulie, Suedia), iar interviul poate fi urmarit mai jos. Trupa a lansat in februarie un videoclip pentru noul lor single, " In My Blood ", extras de pe cel...
Vezi aici noul videoclip BLACK STONE CHERRY
In My Blood, noul videoclip semnat de formatia Black Stone Cherry, poate fi urmarit mai jos. Piesa este extrasa de pe noul album intitulat Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea , lansat pe 31 mai, 2011 via Roadrunner Records. Este pentru prima data cand grupul a inregistrat in Los...
Bateristul Black Stone Cherry iti prezinta setul sau de tobe (video)
John Fred Young, bateristul trupei Black Stone Chery, ofera un tur video al setului sau de tobe, pe care il puteti vedea mai jos. Cel mai recent album Black Stone Cherry a fost lansat pe 31 mai via Roadrunner Records si se numeste "Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea".
Top Versuri Black Stone Cherry
Things My Father Said
Blind Man
Rollin' On
Maybe Someday
Rain Wizard
Backwoods Gold
Lonely Train
Shapes Of Things
The Bitter End
Violator Girl
Shooting Star
Hell & High Water
Peace Is Free
Devil's Queen
Please Come In
The Key
Crosstown Woman
Tired Of The Rain
Reverend Wrinkle
When The Weight Comes Down
Long Sleeves
Ghost Of Floyd Collins
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Black Stone Cherry
- Hell And High Water Chords
- Please Come In Intro Tab
- Ghost Of Floyd Collins Tab
- Tired Of The Rain Tab
- Lonely Train Tab
- When The Weight Comes Down Intro Tab
- Big City Lights Intro Tab
- Rain Wizard Tab
- Lonely Train Intro Tab
- Maybe Someday Tab
- Lonely Train (ver2) Tab
- The Key Tab
- The Bitter End Tab
- Soul Creek Tab
- Hell And High Water Intro Tab
- Lonely Train Bass Tab
- Hell And High Water Tab
- Rollin On Tab
- Shooting Star Tab
- Rollin On (ver3) Tab
- Hell And High Water Bass Tab
- Blind Man Chords
- Rollin On (ver2) Tab
- Hell And High Water (ver2) Tab
- Hell High Water Tab
- Shooting Star (ver2) Tab
- Backwoods Gold Tab
- Stop Runnin Tab
- Backwoods Gold Tab
- Sunrise Tab
- Peace Is Free Chords