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Stiri cu Blessthefall
Blessthefall: 40 Days (videoclip nou)
Mai jos puteti urmari cel mai nou videoclip al americanilor de la Blessthefall, cel al piesei "40 Days". Piesa apartine albumului " Awakening ", lansat in octombrie 2011 prin Fearless Records. Acesta este cel de-al treilea album al trupei, iar in acelasi timp cel de-al doilea alaturi...
Cele mai tari momente stage dive din istorie!
Stage dive-ul este un moment esential pentru orice concert rock. Este reprezentarea perfecta a uniunii dintre un artist si fan, sacrificiul pe care toti il facem pentru muzica. Unii sunt prinsi, altii cad direct pe pamant. Insa anumite stage diveuri raman in istorie si automat in memoria vesnica a celor care au...
BLESSTHEFALL au fost jefuiti in Canada
Blessthefall au fost jefuiti vineri seara intr-o parca din Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Formatia a emis urmatorul comunicat: 'Cineva a spart duba trupei si a furat 3 bagaje. E vorba de ghiozdane a caror continut era unul pretios: MacBooks, iPods, pasapoarte si un flipcam. Din pacate nu va...
Blessthefall publica filmari din turneul Fearless Friends (video)
Blessthefall au publicat un trailer pentru turneul Fearless Friends Tour 2011, pe care il puteti urmari mai jos. Cel mai recent album al trupei se numeste " Awakening " si a fost lansat pe 4 octombrie sub Fearless Records. We Came As Romans au anuntat ca vor fi headlinerii turneului The Fire and...
We Came As Romans merg in turneu cu Emmure si Blessthefall
We Came As Romans au anuntat ca vor fi headlinerii turneului The Fire and Ice Tour in 2012 alaturi de Emmure, Blessthefall, Woe Is Me si The Color Morale. We Came As Romans au lansat de curand in videoclip nou, " Just Keep Breathing ", care poate fi urmarit mai jos. Piesa este inclusa pe cel...
Videoclipuri Blessthefall
Muzica Blessthefall
Top Versuri Blessthefall
To Hell And Back
Stay Still
Five Ninety
You Deserve Nothing And I Hope You Get Less
Hey Baby, Heres That Song You Wanted
Guys Like You Make Us Look Bad
A Message To The Unknown
God Wears Gucci
Whats Left Of Me
Purple Dog
Well Sleep When Were Dead
40 Days
Rise Up
With Eyes Wide Shut
Times Like These
Could Tell A Love
Black Rose Dying
His Last Walk
Wait For Tomorrow
Last Ones Left
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Blessthefall
- Well Sleep When Were Dead
- Higinia Tab
- Whats Left Of Me Tab
- Take Me Now Part 2 Tab
- Higinia Bass Tab
- Guys Like You Make Us Look Bad (ver2) Tab
- Higinia (ver2) Tab
- Guys Like You Make Us Look Bad Tab
- Higinia (ver3) Tab
- Times Like These Tab
- Rise Up Intro Tab
- Guys Like You Make Us Look Bad Bass Tab
- God Wears Gucci Tab
- Waiting For Tomorrow Intro Tab
- Waiting For Tomorrow (ver2) Tab
- Take Me Now Intro Tab
- Take Me Now Bass Tab
- A Message To The Unknown Bass Tab
- Could Tell A Love Intro Tab
- Waiting For Tomorrow Tab
- Times Like These (ver2) Tab
- Rise Up Bass Tab
- Whats Left Of Me ver3 Tab
- Times Like These Bass Tab
- Black Rose Dying Tab
- His Last Walk Tab
- Take Me Now Tab
- Could Tell A Love Bass Tab
- 20 Tab
- Times Like These ver4 Tab
- Stay Still Intro ver2 Tab
- Guys Like You Make Us Look Bad ver5 Tab
- Hey Baby Heres That Song You Wanted Tab
- Hey Baby Heres That Song You Wanted Chords
- Waiting For Tomorrow ver3 Tab