Bloc Party
Stiluri: Alternative
Biografie Bloc Party
Trupa britanica de indie rock Bloc Party s-a infiintat in anul 2002. Pana a-si stabili actualul nume, Bloc Party s-au numit pe rand Superheroes of BMX, The Angel Range, Diet, Union. Numele Bloc Party a fost stabilit in septembrie 2003. Membrii fondatori Bloc Party sunt Kele Okereke si Russell Lissack, carora li s-a adaugat basistul Gordon Moakes si mai recent bateristul Matt Tong. "Silent Alarm", albumul lor de debut din 2005, a primit critici foarte incurajatoare, fiind votat chiar drept albumul anului de NME. In februarie 2007, "Silent Alarm" a fost urmat de "A Weekend in the City", album care a atins pozitia a doua in topul oficial UK. Printre influentele celor de la Bloc Party se numara The Cure, Gang of Four, The Smashing Pumpkins, Sonic Youth, Pixies, Joy Division si XTC. In ce priveste albumul din 2007, acestor influente li se adauga si cea a formatiei Radiohead. Stil: indie rock, post-punk Componenta: Kele Okereke - Voce, chitara Russell Lissack - Chitara Gordon......Toata biografia Bloc Party
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Linkin Park
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Stiri cu Bloc Party
Chitaristul Bloc Party a fost muscat de un leu
Russel Lissack, chitaristul formatiei Bloc Party, a fost spitalizat dupa ce a fost un leu. Lissack se afla in turneu in Africa de Sud alaturi de proiectul Ash cand el si solistul Tim Wheeler au facut o vizita catre sanctuarul acestui animal. Lissack se juca cu un pui de leu cand acesta l-a...
Solistul Bloc Party lanseaza un album solo
Keele Okereke, membru al grupului Bloc Party, va lansa un album solo intitulat The Boxer. Discul va fi disponibil incepand cu data de 21 iunie si va fi precedat de un single inttiulat Tenderoni . Albumul a fost produs in New York alaturi de producatorul XXXchange . Keele a declarat ca discul se...
11 videoclipuri noi pe METALHEAD (Bloc Party, Franz Ferdinand, Emmure, Amoral, Bury Your Dead)
Va invitam sa urmariti 11 videoclipuri noi pe METALHEAD, accesand linkurile de mai jos. Enjoy! Medeski Martin and Wood - Amber Gris (New Video 2009) Franz Ferdinand - Can't Stop Feeling (New Video 2009) Bloc Party - One More Chance (New Video 2009) Emmure - False Love in...
Bloc Party - One More Chance (New Video 2009)
Noul videoclip Bloc Party, One More Chance, poate fi urmarit mai jos:
Solistul Bloc Party s-a costumat in iepure
Kele Okereke, solistul formatiei Bloc Party, le-a facut o surpriza si a aparut costumat in iepure la sfarsitul concertului sustinut pe 12 aprilie in Londra. Solistul de culoare a purtat un simapatic costum roz, cu urechi, si le-a urat fanilor Paste Fericit. Formatia Bloc Party si-a rugat fanii care vor fi prezenti...
Videoclipuri Bloc Party
- Hunting for Witches
- Talons
- Bloc Party - Helicopter
- Bloc Party - Flux
- Bloc Party - Banquet
- Bloc Party - The Prayer
- Bloc Party - Hunting For Witches
- Bloc Party - I Still Remember
- Bloc Party - Two More Years
- Bloc Party - Little Thoughts
- Bloc Party - So Here We are
- Bloc Party - Compliments
- Bloc Party - Mercury
- Bloc Party - Tulips
- Bloc Party - The Pioneers
- Bloc Party - Kreuzberg
- Bloc Party - Blue Light
- Bloc Party - SRXT
- One More Chance
Top Versuri Bloc Party
One More Chance
The Prayer
So Here We Are
The Present
This Modern Love
The Marshalls Are Dead
Two More Years
The Answer
American Kids
Positive Tension
Song For Clay (Disappear Here)
Staying Fat
Waiting For The 7.18
Hunting For Witches
This Is Not A Competition
Like Eating Glass
Little Thoughts
Price Of Gas
Storm And Stress
I Still Remember
Blue Light
Always New Depths
She's Hearing Voices
One Month Off
Ion Square
Your Visits Are Getting Shorter
Trojan Horse
Letter to My Son
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Bloc Party
- Waiting For The 7 18 Acoustic Tab
- I Still Remember Chords
- Flux Chords
- Hunting For Witches Tab
- I Still Remember Bass Tab
- Two More Years Chords
- I Still Remember (ver2) Bass Tab
- Skeleton Tab
- The Prayer Chords
- This Modern Love Chords
- Helicopter Tab
- Sunday Acoustic Tab
- Banquet Bass Tab
- Storm And Stress Acoustic Tab
- Kreuzberg Intro Tab
- Positive Tension (ver3) Bass Tab
- Kreuzberg Tab
- Flux Tab
- This Modern Love Intro Tab
- Blue Light Tab
- Idea For A Story Tab
- Banquet Tab
- Blue Light Bass Tab
- Hunting For Witches Bass Tab
- So Here We Are (ver3) Tab
- Atonement Tab
- Sunday Chords
- Waiting For The 7 18 (ver2) Tab
- Srxt Chords
- We Were Lovers Tab
- Banquet Acoustic Chords
- Always New Depths Tab
- Positive Tension Bass Tab
- Compliments Tab
- Helicopter Acoustic Chords
- Hunting For Witches (ver3) Tab
- Storm Stress Acoustic Tab
- Plans Acoustic Chords
- I Still Remember Acoustic Tab
- Banquet (ver3) Tab
- Banquet (ver2) Tab
- Tulips Chords
- Sunday Acoustic (ver2) Tab
- Helicopter Intro (ver2) Tab
- So Here We Are (ver2) Tab
- Secrets Intro Tab
- So Here We Are (ver2) Bass Tab
- Compliments (ver2) Tab
- Hunting For Witches Intro Tab
- Srxt Tab