Bloodhound Gang
Stiluri: Punk
Biografie Bloodhound Gang
Bloodhound Gang sunt o trupa americana de rock alternativ, al carei sound a imprumutat influente post-punk. Trupa a luat fiinta in 1992, in Quakertown, Pennsylvania. Infiintata initial sub titulatura Bang Chamber 8, formatia consta din doi membri, Jimmy Pop si Daddy Long Legs. Imediat dupa infiintare, scot un demo self-titled, dupa care isi schimba atat numele cat si stilul muzical. In 1994, apare al doilea demo intitulat "The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack to Hitler's Handicapped Helpers", care le aduce un contract cu Cheese Factory Records, unde tot in 1994 le apare si primul EP, "Dingleberry Haze". In 1995 Bloodhound Gang scot albumul lor de debut intitulat "Use Your Fingers". La scurt timp Daddy Long Legs paraseste trupa, pentru a canta alaturi de grupul rap Wolfpac. In 1996, cu un line-up nou, formatia scoate cel de-al doilea album, "One Fierce Beer Coaster", care va fi reeditat doi ani mai tarziu. De pe acest album, celebra va deveni piesa "Fire Water Burn", care va......Toata biografia Bloodhound Gang
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Stiri cu Bloodhound Gang
Bloodhound Gang interzisi in Rusia
Membrilor Bloodhound Gang li s-a interzis sa participle la un festial din Rusia dupa ce basistul Jared Hasselhoff a folosit steagul tarii intr-un mod nu tocmai cugetat. In timp ce se aflau pe scena, intr-un concert in Odessa, Ucraina, basistul Bloodhound Gang a luat steagul Rusiei si - dupa ca a spus multimii...
Poze Bloodhound Gang in Silver Church
O galerie foto de la concertul Bloodhound Gang din Silver Church de ieri, luni 15 martie, poate fi urmarita pe METALHEAD mai jos: Mai multe poze gasiti pe Bestmusic aici: Poze BloodHound Gang, Silver Church
Punk cu lapte batut, Jagermeister si Bloodhound Gang la Silver Church
O poveste de vazut si reauzit, The Bloodhound Gang, aflati la a doua vizita in Romania, canta luni, pe 15 martie, la Silver Church. Jimmy Pop, Evil Jared Hasselhoff, DJ Q-Ball, The Yin si Denial P. Cartier promit solemn un show caustic, fara menajamente. Accesul in clubul Silver Church este permis de la ora...
Concert Bloodhound Gang in Romania
Pe 15 martie, The Bloodhound Gang revin in Romania, la Silver Church, intr-un eveniment organizat de Events. Trupa americana de punck-rock / alternativ, The Bloodhound Gang se afla la a doua vizita in Romania. Sunt originari din Quakertown, Pennsylvania si au in spate 18 ani de activitate si 6...
Videoclipuri Bloodhound Gang
Muzica Bloodhound Gang
Top Versuri Bloodhound Gang
03. Fire Water Burn
The Ballad Of Chasey Lain
Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss
The Bad Touch
Balls Out
10. The Bad Touch
18. Along Comes Mary
Rang Dang
Its Tricky
Kiss Me Where It Smells Funny
Asleep At The Wheel
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo
Mamas Boy
Something Diabolical
Why's Everybody Always Pickin' On Me
No Rest For The Wicked
Earlameyer The Butt Pirate
Lift Your Head Up High (And Blow Your Brains Out)
Three Point One Four
Kids In America
Legend In My Spare Time
Mama Say
Ralph Wiggum
A Lap Dance Is So Much Better When the Stripper is Crying
No Hard Feelings
Im The Least You Could Do
One Way
Fire Water Burn
Going Nowhere Slow
Farting With A Walkman On
I Hope You Die
I Wish I Was Queer So I Could Get Chicks
Overheard In A Wawa Parking Lot
The Evils Of Placenta Hustling
Balls Out
Nightmare At The Apollo
Go Down
We Like Meat
Whys Everybody Always Pickin On Me
Shut Up
It's Tricky
Along Comes Mary
Magna Cum Nada
She Aint Got No Legs
This Is Stupid
Your Only Friends Are Make Believe
KIDS Incorporated
Take The Long Way Home
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Bloodhound Gang
- The Roof Is On Fire Chords
- Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo Chords
- Chasey Lain Tab
- Bad Touch Chords
- Your Only Friends Are Make Believe Chords
- Fire Water Burn Chords
- I Hope You Die (ver3) Tab
- The Ballad Of Chasey Lane Bass Tab
- Ralph Wiggum Tab
- I Hope You Die Bass Tab
- Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo Bass Tab
- Bad Touch Bass Tab
- Balls Out Tab
- Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo (ver2) Bass Tab
- Bad Touch (ver2) Tab
- The Ballad Of Chasey Lain Chords
- The Roof Is On Fire Tab
- I Hope You Die Chords
- The Ballad Of Chasey Lain (ver2) Chords
- The Bad Touch Bass Tab
- Fire Water Burn Tab
- Bad Touch Tab
- Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss Bass Tab
- Vagina Bass Tab
- Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss (ver2) Tab
- Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo Tab
- Dragostea Din Tei Tab
- Burn Motherfucker Burn Bass Tab
- Jackass Bass Tab
- Your Pretty When Im Drunk Tab
- Vagina Song (ver4) Tab
- Vagina Song Tab
- Yummy Down On This Tab
- Kids In America Bass Tab
- Three Point One Four (ver5) Tab
- Your Pretty When Im Drunk Bass Tab
- Lift Your Head Up High And Blow Your Brains Out Tab
- Three Point One Four (ver3) Tab
- I Hope You Die (ver2) Tab
- Something Diabolical Tab
- Mope Tab
- Something Diabolical (ver5) Tab
- The Roof Is On Fire Bass Tab
- I Hope You Die Tab
- The Roof Is On Fire (ver2) Chords
- Something Diabolical (ver4) Tab
- Turn Clyde Tab
- Vagina Song (ver2) Tab
- The Roof Is On Fire (ver3) Chords
- Three Point One Four (ver4) Tab