BRUCE DICKINSON a discutat despre noul sau album solo "The Mandrake Project"

de Cristi Nedelcu

BRUCE DICKINSON a discutat despre noul sau album solo

BRUCE DICKINSON a vorbit despre viitorul sau album solo intitulat „The Mandrake Project”: „It's Music, But It's Also Much More”.

Solistul Iron Maiden, Bruce Dickinson, a publicat un video in care a oferit informatii despre viitorul sau album solo, care urmeaza sa fie lansat la inceputul anului 2024 prin BMG. Intitulat „The Mandrake Project”, Bruce a colaborat pentru noul material cu producatorul Roy „Z” Ramirez.

„The Mandrake Project” va fi al saptelea album al lui Dickinson si primul sau material de la „Tyranny Of Souls” din 2005.

Bruce a spus "So, everybody, everybody on the planet who's been going, 'Oh my god. What's this solo thing gonna be all about when it finally happens?' Well, it's finally happening. It's called 'The Mandrake Project', and' of course, it's music. But, it's also much, much, more. More than that, I'm not gonna reveal for now, 'cause it will become self-explanatory and self-evident as we go through and reveal more layers of the onion for you all."

Acesta a continuat: "But, yeah, 'The Mandrake Project'. We've been working on this since 2014, when it wasn't called 'The Mandrake Project'. And it's had time to grow and mature. And, oh my God, has it ever. I think you will be really, really excited. And, I hope you love everything that we've created for you."

Cand "The Mandrake Project" a fost anuntat initial in luna septembrie, Dickinson a declarat intr-un interviu: "This album has been a very personal journey for me and I am extremely proud of it. Roy Z and I have been planning, writing and recording it for years, and I am very excited for people to finally hear it. I'm even more excited at the prospect of getting out on the road with this amazing band that we have put together, to be able to bring it to life. We're planning to play as many shows as we can in as many places as possible, for as many people as we can! As for what 'The Mandrake Project' actually is… all will be revealed soon!”

Primele spectacole live ale artistului vor avea loc in Mexic si Brazilia in aprilie si mai 2024, urmand ca Bruce sa anunte si alte date si locatii.

Turneul "The Mandrake Project" se va desfasura astfel:

April 18 - Diana Theater, Guadalajara, Mexico
April 20 - Pepsi Theatre, Mexico City, Mexico
April 24 - Live Curitiba, Curitiba, Brazil
April 25 - Pepsi On Stage, Porto Alegre, Brazil
April 27 - Opera Hall, Brasilia, Brazil
April 28 - Arena Hall, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
April 30 - Qualistage, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
May 02 - Quinta Linda, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil
May 04 - Vibra, Sao Paulo, Brazil

In martie 2022, Bruce a declarat pentru Consequence despre urmatorul sau album solo: "I've been working on it, on and off, since 'Tyranny Of Souls'. But between lockdowns and albums and MAIDEN tours and everything else, I'm looking for a clear space to actually nail and say, 'Okay, this is what it's gonna be,' and get Roy to put some backing tracks down. And then we can do it. So we're at the point now where we've already got — I don't know — anywhere between 50 and 70 percent of the material for the album, depend[ing] on what we pick, from things we've already got. And I think we'd like to tweak it a little bit."

In decembrie 2017, Dickinson a spus ca urmatorul sau LP solo va include probabil o versiune reinregistrata a „If Eternity Should Fail”, piesa de deschidere a discului IRON MAIDEN din 2015 „The Book Of Souls”. La acea vreme, el a spus ca a scris deja aproximativ jumatate din al saptelea album al sau si a confirmat, de asemenea, ca „If Eternity Should Fail” a fost scrisa initial pentru a fi o piesa solo marca Dickinson.

El a declarat pentru televiziunea finlandeza Kaaos ca planul initial era ca urmatorul sau album solo sa fie "a whole concept album, which was gonna be called 'If Eternity Should Fail'. And 'If Eternity Should Fail' was the title track to my new solo album". Acesta a adaugat: "And a bit like [Dickinson's 1989 solo song] 'Bring Your Daughter To The Slaughter' [laughs], it got commandeered for IRON MAIDEN. So if I did do another solo album, which I think I will, I might just stick to my original plan and have that as the title track. I mean, I did write it — it was the first track that I wrote for it. So, yeah, I'd probably still include that song. But it would be… the feel would be slightly different — not very much, though — from the MAIDEN version."

In 2015, Dickinson a declarat pentru Hard Force magazine din Franta despre "If Eternity Should Fail" cum a ajuns piesa sa fie utilizata de trupa IRON MAIDEN dupa ce bassistul Steve Harris a auzit demourile la care lucra Bruce, demouri ce erau menite a fi parte din viitorul sau album solo: "And [Steve] went, 'That's a really cool song. Can we use that? That's gonna be the opening song on the album,'" si-a amintit artistul. "And I went, 'Yeah, okay.' And he was already writing, I think… He was already thinking of 'The Book Of Souls' as being the title, so he told me about the Mayan thing. And I'm, like, 'Yeah, that's cool. Okay. Yeah, I see where you're going.' But in my case, that song was written as part of a story. So the spoken word at the end is the beginning of a story that goes through the whole album. And one of the characters is Dr. Necropolis; he's the bad guy. And the good guy is Professor Lazarus; he raises people from the dead. So that introduces Necropolis in the spoken-word thing. And I asked Steve… I said, 'Look. Okay. I get having the song…' 'Cause it opens up with, 'Here is the soul of a man.' 'Yup. Get that. But what about the end?' I said, 'Will people understand what this is about? Because this is nothing to do with the Mayans or anything. This is to do with… I'd come up with a concept album that doesn't happen.' [Laughs] And he [went], 'No, no, no. It's just talking about souls and everything, and it sounds great.' I went, 'Okay.' [Laughs]".

Dickinson si-a facut debutul cu IRON MAIDEN pe albumul „Number Of The Beast” in 1982. Apoi acesta a parasit trupa in 1993 pentru a-si continua cariera solo si a fost inlocuit de Blaze Bayley, care fusese anterior solistul trupei de metal WOLFSBANE. Dupa ce a lansat doua albume de metal traditional cu fostul chitarist IRON MAIDEN, Adrian Smith, Dickinson s-a alaturat din nou trupei in 1999 impreuna cu Smith. De atunci, Dickinson a mai lansat un singur album solo (numitul „Tyranny Of Souls”), dar a declarat anterior ca cariera lui solo nu s-a incheiat.

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