BRUCE DICKINSON colaboreaza cu Z2 si lanseaza o serie limitata de benzi desenate (12 numere) pe tema "The Mandrake Project"

de Cristi Nedelcu

BRUCE DICKINSON colaboreaza cu Z2 si lanseaza o serie limitata de benzi desenate (12 numere) pe tema

Z2 a colaborat cu solistul Iron Maiden, BRUCE DICKINSON, pentru o serie originala de benzi desenate legate de viitorul sau album solo „The Mandrake Project”, care va fi lansat de BMG pe 1 martie 2024.

„Bruce Dickinson’s The Mandrake Project” nr. 1 va aparea in magazinele de benzi desenate si pe pe 17 ianuarie 2024. Seria limitata de 12 numere este o saga epica a fortelor binelui si raului care lupta sa cucereasca si sa foloseasca puterile stiintei si magiei pentru a castiga controlul asupra nemuririi.

Seria prezinta o poveste dezvoltata de Bruce in ultimul deceniu, iar „The Mandrake Project” prinde viata prin parteneriatul sau creativ cu echipa emblematica de creatori – inclusiv scenariul lui Tony Lee („Doctor Who”, Marvel, DC), arta realizata de Staz Johnson (Marvel, DC), literele de Troy Peteri ("Amazing Spider-Man", "Witchblade"), culorile marca Gabo (DC, Imagine), coperti realizate de Bill Sienkiewicz ("Moon Knight", "New Mutants")).

Editat de celebrul Rantz A. Hoseley, seria de benzi desenate formata din 12 numere „Bruce Dickinson’s The Mandrake Project” este o componenta vitala a naratiunii si experientei muzicale a lui Bruce. Aventura a inceput odata cu lansarea single-ului „Afterglow Of Ragnarok” pe 1 decembrie, care continea un prolog de benzi desenate de opt pagini, eveniment ce va fi urmat de lansarea primului numar al benzii desenate in magazinele de specialitate pe 17 ianuarie.

Incepand de ieri, 11 decembrie, Z2 pune la dispozitie fanilor 666 de editii ale „Bruce Dickinson’s The Mandrake Project” sub forma de pachete originale, semnate. Aceasta colectie vine cu o carte de colectie „The Mandrake Project”, semnata de Bruce Dickinson; o husa pentru carti de tranzactionare din pasla; un exemplar numarul 1 „Proiectul Mandrake al lui Bruce Dickinson”; un certificat de autenticitate pentru prima tiparire „The Mandrake Project”; un imprimeu artistic „The Mandrake Project” ilustrat de Bill Sienkiewicz. Pachetul va fi vandut ca box set special pentru 100 USD, doar pe site-ul oficial

Evenimentele de promovare a albumului nou „The Mandrake Project” continua cu o previzualizare a benzilor desenate inserata in versiunea speciala de lux pe CD a albumului, cu aparitii promotionale pentru seria de benzi desenate, precum si cu turnee extinse la nivel mondial pana in 2025.

"Early in the process of writing my new album, the idea of a companion comic book began to take shape in my mind," a spus Dickinson. "So I approached Z2 who were recommended to me by Kurt Sutter ('Sons Of Anarchy', 'The Shield') and Sacha Gervasi ('My Dinner With Herve', 'Anvil! The Story Of Anvil'). I then found out that my management were already working with Z2 on the 'Piece Of Mind' MAIDEN graphic novel which I contributed the 'Revelations' story to! I then pitched them with a fully formed concept and written storyline which they immediately understood and enthusiastically started fleshing out plans and ideas with me! I knew right then that they would be the perfect creative team to help bring my own ideas to fruition…and here they are!".

Editorul-sef Rantz A. Hoseley declara: "Z2's model has always rested firmly in the graphic novel space, but when we sat down with Bruce and discussed the story of 'The Mandrake Project', and the experience that he wanted the readers to have with it, we realized two very important things: first, that this was a story that we had to be a part of. It reminded us of reading the iconic titles from Vertigo. The second realization was that 'The Mandrake Project' had to be released as a comic series and, as anyone in comics knows, releasing a series is a different animal.".

"Since Rantz and I come from the same comic shop trenches," a adaugat presedintele Z2 Josh Bernstein, "we made sure that our comic retailers feel supported and that they have great partners in Z2 and Bruce Dickinson. It's our hope that the efforts of making the free pullbox preview available to stores, giving retailers the PDF of the first issue before they order, clearly conveying the release schedule and plans for the next two years, as well as making the first issue returnable, make it clear that we place immense value on comic shops in measuring the success of Bruce Dickinson's 'The Mandrake Project'."

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