Brutal Assault a mai anuntat cateva trupe

de Cristi Nedelcu

Brutal Assault a mai anuntat cateva trupe

Brutal Assault se apropie. Editia de acest an va avea loc in perioada 8 - 11 August.

Mai jos gasiti ultimul comunicat din partea lor.

We still have few more bands to spice the whole thing up. So here comes the very last update. Canadian hardcore machine COMEBACK KID will shake fortress walls with unstoppable energy of sharp guitars and one-of-a-kind vocals of Andrew Neufeld. One of the top hardcore bands nowadays will drag you into the pit after seven long years.

Regarding comebacks, we are more than excited to welcome back TOXIC HOLOCAUST, a band you can always count on if you want some classic straightforward no-bulshit 80s thrash metal. Do not hesitate and apply for master's degree in headbanging since Joel Grind's squad will give you a truly old school lesson!

On the other hand, Australian ESKHATON would please everybody who admire chaotically brutal and nihilistic death metal in vein of Portal. If you expect traditional structures and hooks and obvious riffs, then you should move along. Eskhaton are all about violence, chaos, intensity and bestial wrath.

Among all those recorded-in-a-cave bands, there are only few winners and Chilean black/death metallers ORACULUM are definitely one of them. Their blasphemous craft worships relentless barbarity of all those proto black and death metal classics and brings you back to era when metal was purely underground.

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