Built to Spill
Stiluri: Indie
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Travka
The Killers
The Kryptonite Sparks
Owl City
Robin And The Backstabbers
Arctic Monkeys
The Mono Jacks
The Cranberries
The CitiSens
Toulouse Lautrec
Peninsula Tuborg Green Fest
mt place
Top Versuri Built to Spill
Aisle 13
Nowhere Lullaby
Planting Seeds
Lifes A Dream
Things Fall Apart
Oh Yeah
Good Ol Boredom
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Built to Spill
- Things Fall Apart Chords
- Liar Bass Tab
- Hindsight Chords
- Nowhere Lullabye Chords
- Planting Seeds Tab
- Liar Tab
- Tomorrow Tab
- Fling Tab
- Kicked It In The Sun Chords
- Big Dipper Chords
- Car Tab
- Twin Falls Chords
- Joyride Tab
- Velvet Waltz Tab
- Randy Described Eternity Tab
- Made-up Dreams (ver2) Chords
- Carry The Zero Tab
- Car Chords
- The Weather Chords
- Strange Tab
- Wait Tab
- Just A Habit Chords
- Kicked It In The Sun Tab
- Still Falt Chords
- Car (ver2) Chords
- Dont Try Tab
- Goin Against Your Mind Intro Tab
- You Were Right Tab
- Trimmed And Burning Tab
- Carry The Zero (ver2) Tab
- Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss Tab
- Bad Light Chords
- Center Of The Universe Tab
- Conventional Wisdom Tab
- Fly Around My Pretty Little Miss Bass Tab
- Made-up Dreams Chords
- The Weather Bass Tab
- Conventional Wisdom Intro (ver2) Tab
- Stab Tab
- Dream Intro Tab
- In Your Mind Chords
- Conventional Wisdom Intro Tab
- Traces Tab
- Mess With Time Chords Chords
- Plan Tab
- Sidewalk Chords
- Virginia Reel Around The Fountain Tab
- When Not Being Stupid Is Not Enough Tab
- Untrustable Tab
- Stop The Show Tab