C Est La Vie Chords - Bwitched

C'est La Vie- B*witched - Transcribed by dave lamb

*These files are my own work. I have transcribed them by listening to the Sony music recording. 
*The files simply represent my interpretation of the songs. You may only use these files for private study, scholarship,
*or research. If you can prove that these files constitue an offence, with regards to copyright law in the United Kingdom, 
*then please email dave@b-witched.net to rectify the situation 

NOTE: I've used / as the key for "slide".
i.e. ---1/3-- would mean slide from 1 to 3 up the frets.

Listen carefully to the 1st couple of seconds of the song to get a feel for
the rhythm that you should play for this little part

**Electric Guitar - (clean + switch in treble position.)

----8--8---8--8-8-8-8---8--8---7--7-7-7-7--repeat forever and a day 

the bottom line; i.e. all the 7s on the G string are optional. 
It doesn't sound like they are played, but they can be added 
in and out adlib (IMHO). Try muting them on and off with your 
fretting hand. Or just don't play them at all 
after playing the above 1 and a half times, the bass comes in...

**Electric Bass (clean)
this is played just for the "huh, huh, huh huh" bit....

...from then on it plays this

Verse 1
Just carry on playing the guitar and bass as you were for the intro. It's just the same.
This continues like this until the pre-chorus..

Pre-Chorus 1
This is the bit from "gotta let me in" to "blow you away!" (start 0:35)
To make this sound right, use LOTS of fretting hand muting.
(Y'know the sort, make it sound like "wchk, wchk, etc, etc")
Bet that little "wchk" made it clearer... 

The bass part is just a rough guess. It sounds alright 
when I play along, but the bass is probably doing a lot more.
No, sorry, I've just improved the bass part slightly.. Gawd... 
that sounds damn good now. I don't even play the bass!

Gotta let me in, hey hey hey     Let the fun begin. He-ey.
**Electric Guitar (treble position - clean)

**Electric Bass (clean)

I'm the wolf today, hey hey hey.   I'll huff, I'll puff, I'll huff I'll puff, I'll blow you away!
**Electric Guitar (treble position - clean)
**Electric Bass (clean)

straight after this, the song progresses to the chorus...

Chorus 1
Both the bass and the guitar play the same as the verse.

Verse 2
Both the bass and the guitar play the same as verse 1.

Chorus 2
Both the bass and the guitar play the same as chorus 1.

Then, that little irish jig bit...

Little Irish Jig Bit 1  (key change occurs at 2:03ish)
For this, the bass and guitar play exactly the same
as the chorus and the verse, but the song has shifted 
up a key one full tone.
The guitar just slides up and starts playing around A instead of G:

**Electric Guitar (still clean.. and don't touch that pickup switch )

whereas the electric bass steps up to the new key:
**Electric Bass

from then on, it just plays..


Chorus, and Outro chorus
Both the guitar and the bass play the same riffs, but in the new key.
(I.e. as above)

Distorted Slide
Note: Every now and then, you'll hear a distorted guitar slide down. 
Before the key change, the guitar is sliding down from a G chord; after it is A.
To do this, use power chords, lots of distortion, and just play the chord, and slide down as it is dying out