Freak Out Chords - Bwitched

Freak Out - B*Witched - transcribed by Dave Lamb

OK, so this songs guitar part is STUPIDLY easy...
for best results, play the barred chords for these...

Right.. when the song starts.. the guitar strums away on a chord...

D D D D D    D D D D D
D D D D D    D D D D D
D D D D D    D D D D D  D...

C C  C D D   D C C   C D D.... etc, etc...

This chord strumming above pretty much carries you thro the whole song... really...
that's all the guitar part appears to 
be... for the verse and chorus, use the C/D thing... for the pauses use the D thing..

Listen to the CD and play along.. It'll soon become obvious.

But then, near the end, there's a key change... It happens at about (1:52).
It's blatantly obvious, tho.. 

anyway, the chords here change to:

C# C#   C# Eb Eb   Eb C# C#, etc, etc...

The only advice I have is "try not to fall asleep whilst playing it.. just try to relish
on how easy the rhythm guitar 
part for this song is..."
Oh, and USE barred chords.. not that you have a choice with the part after the key change 
It'll be much easier, and sounds a hell of a lot better too!