Corpul neinsufletit al cantaretului Chester Bennington a fost inmormantat sambata, 29 iulie, in California, in cadrul unei ceremonii intime.
Conform TMZ, la ceremonie au participat doar cateva sute de persoane, printre care membrii trupei Linkin Park, prietenii si familia regretatului artist. Invitatii au primit cate o bratara cu numele lui Chester si cate un ecuson, similare celor care se ofera presei si invitatilor la concerte.
Chester Bennington, cunoscut intregii lumi ca solistul trupei Linkin Park, a decedat in data de 20 iulie, in resedinta sa din Palos Verdes. Artistul avea varsta de 41 de ani.
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In urma cu cateva zile, membrii trupei Linkin Park au transmis urmatorul mesaj emotionant:
"Dear Chester,
Our hearts are broken. The shockwaves of grief and denial are still sweeping through our family as we come to grips with what has happened.
You touched so many lives, maybe even more than you realized. In the past few days, we’ve seen an outpouring of love and support, both public and private, from around the world. Talinda and the family appreciate it, and want the world to know that you were the best husband, son, and father; the family will never be whole without you.
Talking with you about the years ahead together, your excitement was infectious. Your absence leaves a void that can never be filled—a boisterous, funny, ambitious, creative, kind, generous voice in the room is missing. We’re trying to remind ourselves that the demons who took you away from us were always part of the deal. After all, it was the way you sang about those demons that made everyone fall in love with you in the first place. You fearlessly put them on display, and in doing so, brought us together and taught us to be more human. You had the biggest heart, and managed to wear it on your sleeve.
Our love for making and performing music is inextinguishable. While we don’t know what path our future may take, we know that each of our lives was made better by you. Thank you for that gift. We love you, and miss you so much.
Until we see you again,
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