Circa Survive
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Pink Floyd
30 Seconds to Mars
Roger Waters
Tokio Hotel
System of a Down
Dirty Shirt
Dream Theater
The Killers
The Kryptonite Sparks
Stiri cu Circa Survive
Circa Survive - Suitcase (videoclip nou)
Circa Survive au revenit cu un videoclip nou, cel pentru piesa "Suitcase", pe care il puteti urmari mai jos. Piesa apartine albumului "Violent Waves", self-released pe 28 august 2012. Videoclipul este regizat de Dannel Escallon si prezinta o idee suprarealista si interesanta. Acesta...
Asculta doua noi piese Circa Survive
Circa Survive au cantat recent doua piese noi, in cadrul unei emisiuni radio la care au fost invitati, iar cateva filmari sunt disponibile mai jos. Cele doua noi piese sunt " Suitcase " si " Sharp Practice " si au fost cantate in cadrul Radio 104.5 Philadelphia Studio session. Piesele vor...
Asculta o noua piesa Circa Survive
O noua piesa Circa Survive, "Resentment" , poate fi ascultata mai jos. Cel mai nou album Circa Survive se cheama " Blue Sky Noise " si a fost lansat in aprilie 2010 sub Atlantic . Anthony Green, solistul trupei Circa Survive, a inceput sa inregistreze al doilea album solo in decembrie...
Solistul Circa Survive lucreaza la un nou album solo
Anthony Green, solistul trupei Circa Survive va incepe sa inregistreze al doilea album solo saptamana viitoare. Albumul ce ii urmeaza lui Avalon (2008) care este numit deocamdata Beautiful Things va fi lansat anul viitor sub marca Photo Finish. Anthony Green a activat si in formatii precum: Saosin, The Sound of...
Circa Survive au cantat live la Dickies (video)
Circa Survive au cantat live in cadrul Dickie Sounds, iar doua filmari sunt disponibile si pot fi urmarite mai jos. Trupa a sustinut o prestatie live de calitate in trei chitare. Mai jos puteti vedea piesele " Get Out " si " Imaginary Enemy ". ...
Top Versuri Circa Survive
Frozen Creek
Spirit Of The Stairwell
Fever Dreams
The Longest Mile
I Felt Free
Get Out
Strange Terrain
Dyed In The Wool
Your Friends Are Gone
Imaginary Enemy
On Letting Go
Glass Arrows
Through The Desert Alone
Close Your Eyes To See
In Fear And Faith
Semi-Constructive Criticism
Kicking Your Crosses Down
The Greatest Lie
Carry Us Away
Wish Resign
Holding Someones Hair Back
The Great Golden Baby
Stop The Fucking Car
Were All Thieves
In The Morning And Amazing...
Meet Me In Montauk
Always Getting What You Want
Living Together
Oh, Hello
Act Appalled
The Glorious Nosebleed
House Of Leaves
The Difference Between Medicine And Poison Is In The Dose
Travel Hymn
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Circa Survive
- Miracle Sun Acoustic Chords
- Your Friends Are Gone Intro Tab
- Act Appalled Acoustic Tab
- Julian (ver2) Tab
- Act Appalled Acoustic Chords
- Meet Me In Montauk Tab
- In Fear And Faith Bass Tab
- Stone Hearted Man Tab
- In Fear And Faith (ver3) Bass Tab
- In Fear And Faith Intro (ver2) Tab
- Baby Girl Tab
- In Fear And Faith (ver3) Tab
- Stop The Fucking Car Chords
- Travel Hymn Tab
- In The Morning And Amazing Tab
- Get Out Acoustic Chords
- Living Together Tab
- Great Golden Baby Intro Tab
- Act Appalled Tab
- In The Morning And Amazing Intro Tab
- Devil Song Chords
- In Fear And Faith Tab
- Mandala Intro Tab
- House Of Leaves Bass Tab
- In Fear And Faith (ver2) Tab
- Were All Theives Tab
- A Long Time Coming Chords
- Living Together Intro Tab
- In Fear And Faith (ver2) Bass Tab
- In Fear And Faith Intro Tab
- Stop The Fucking Car Tab
- Julian Tab
- Stop The Fucking Car Bass Tab
- The Glorious Nosebleed Tab
- Oh Hello Bass Tab
- Living Together (ver2) Tab
- Greatest Lie Intro Tab
- The Glorious Nosebleed Bass Tab
- Long Time Coming Chords
- Wish Resign Bass Tab
- Always Getting What You Want Bass Tab
- Handshakes At Sunrise Intro Tab
- Holding Someones Hair Back Bass Tab
- Wish Resign Tab
- Difference Between Medicine And Poison Is In The Dose Tab
- Bad Reputation Chords
- Holding Someones Hair Back Tab
- Ive Been Dying To Reach You Tab
- Spirit Of The Stairwell Chords
- Were All Thieves Bass Tab