Coheed And Cambria
Stiluri: Alternative
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Linkin Park
Vita de Vie
Pink Floyd
Green Day
30 Seconds to Mars
Stiri cu Coheed And Cambria
Coheed and Cambria - Number City (videoclip nou)
Coheed and Cambria au lansat un nou videoclip pentru "Number City" - o animatie stop-motion sincronizata perfect cu ritmurile piesei. "Number City" face parte de pe "The Afterman: Descension" si reprezinta o reinterpretare a artcover-ului noului material discografic. ...
Urmareste concertul Coheed And Cambria din Sydney (video)
Moshcam a uploadat filmarea concertului Coheed And Cambria sustinut in data de 20 aprilie la clubul The Metro din Sydeny Australia. Filmarea poate fi urmarita integral pe YouTube iar cateva fragmente pot fi urmarite mai jos. The Afterman, cel mai nou album Coheed And Cambria, a fost lansat in doua volume. The...
Coheed And Cambria: The Dark Side Of Me (videoclip nou)
Coheed And Cambria au lansat videoclipul oficial pentru cea mai noua piesa a lor, "Dark Side Of Me", disponibil mai jos. Piesa este inclusa pe noul album al trupei, " The Afterman: Descension ", lansat pe 5 februarie prin Everything Evil/Hundred Handed. Acesta este cel de-al doilea disc...
Asculta integral noul album Coheed And Cambria
The Afterman: Descension, cel mai nou album semnat de Coheed And Cambria, poate fi ascultat integral aici . Este a doua parte din seria Afterman, prima parte - Ascension -fiind lansat in luna octombrie a anului trecut. Dublul album are ca sursa de inspiratie benzile desenate Armory Wars scrise de solistul...
Coheed And Cambria au cantat Dark Side Of Me la Conan (video)
Coheed And Cambria au cantat Dark Side Of Me la Conan pe 21 ianuarie, iar o filmare de la eveniment este disponibila mai jos. Enjoy! Trupa americana a lansat recent si videoclipul cu versuri al acestei piese, include pe cel mai nou album, "The Afterman: Descension" , care se va lansa pe 5 februarie...
Top Versuri Coheed And Cambria
World of Lines
When Skeletons Live
Pearl of the Stars
In the Flame of Error
God Send Conspirator
The Willing Well III: Apollo II: The Telling Truth
The Willing Well II: From Fear Through The Eyes Of Madness
The Willing Well I: Fuel For The Feeding End
The Black Rainbow
Junesong Provision
Made Out of Nothing (All That I Am)
The Willing Well IV: The Final Cut
This Shattered Symphony
Bron Y Aur
Justice In Murder
The Light And The Glass
Welcome Home
Guns of Summer
The Broken
The Velorium Camper III: Al The Killer
The Velorium Camper I: Faint Of Hearts
The End Complete II: Radio Bye Bye
Cuts Marked In The March Of Men
Here We Are Juggernaut
The Lying Lies & Dirty Secrets Of Miss Erica Court
The Crowing
In Keeping Secrets Of Silent Earth: 3
Dark Side Of Me
The Velorium Camper II: Backend Of Forever
The Ring In Return
Wake Up
Three Evils (Embodied In Love And Shadow)
A Favor House Atlantic
Devil In Jersey City
The Suffering
Time Consumer
Apollo I: The Writing Writer
Blood Red Summer
Crossing The Frame
Mother May I
The Hound (Of Blood And Rank)
Second Stage Turbine Blade
Everything Evil
Keeping The Blade
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Coheed And Cambria
- Pearl Of The Stars Tab
- Wake Up Chords
- Junesong Provision Tab
- Welcome Home Chords
- A Favor House Atlantic Acoustic Tab
- Mother Superior Chords
- Wake Up (ver3) Tab
- The Echomaker Chords
- Wake Up (ver2) Chords
- A Favour House Atlantic Acoustic Tab
- Suffering (ver2) Tab
- Welcome Home Intro Tab
- Wake Up Tab
- Welcome Home Tab
- Welcome Home (ver2) Tab
- Neverender Tab
- Blood Red Summer Acoustic Chords
- Blood Red Summer (ver2) Bass Tab
- Feathers Bass Tab
- Ring In Return (ver2) Tab
- Naurashaun Tab
- Neverender (ver4) Tab
- Welcome Home (ver2) Bass Tab
- Shabutie - Star Cecil Tab
- Three Evils Embodied In Love And Shadow (ver4) Tab
- Shabutie - Goodnight Tab
- Welcome Home Bass Tab
- No World For Tomorrow Tab
- Ten Speed Of Gods Blood And Burial Tab
- Ten Speed Of Gods Blood And Burial Bass Tab
- Welcome Home (ver3) Tab
- Wake Up (ver2) Tab
- Welcome Home (ver4) Tab
- Camouflage Tab
- Welcome Home (ver5) Tab
- The Reaping (ver2) Tab
- I Shall Be Released Tab
- Running Free (ver2) Tab
- Godfathers Lollipop Tab
- A Favor House Atlantic Bass Tab
- Wake Up (ver5) Tab
- The Velorium Camper Iii Al The Killer (ver2) Tab
- Justice In Murder Tab
- No World For Tomorrow Intro Tab
- Three Evils Embodied In Love And Shadow (ver5) Tab
- A Favor House Atlantic Chords
- The Willing Well Ii From Fear Through The Eyes Of Madness Tab
- Kinderwhore Tab
- Gravemakers And Gunslingers (ver2) Tab
- Neverender (ver2) Tab