Shai Hulud (USA), TBWCW si Take No More concerteaza in Club Fabrica
27 Aprilie 2016
Bucuresti - Club Fabrica
Pret: 20-25 RON
Una dintre legendele hardcore-ului, americanii Shai Hulud, vor canta in Fabrica pe 27 aprilie. In deschidere: The Boy Who Cried Wolf si Take No More.
Metalcore-ul a cam inceput cu Shai Hulud, se numara printre primele trupe de hardcore/crossover metal care a folosit termenul de „metalcore” (o piesa de pe primul album)
Si daca te intrebai: „Is Shai Hulud a straight edge or Christian band? No, we are not. As it states in our debut full length, Hearts Once Nourished with Hope and Compassion, as a band, we make no claim to any one creed, deep philosophy or religion; these liner notes, written by original bass player, Dave Silber, still ring true today”.
Bonus: The Boy Who Cried Wolf si Take No More vor urca pe scena.
21:00 - Open Doors
22:00 - Take No More
23:00 - The Boy Who Cried Wolf
00:00 - Shai Hulud
Shai Hulud [USA] - Metal / Hardcore
The Boy Who Cried Wolf [Romania] - Metal / Hardcore / Punk
Take No More [Romania] - Hardcore / Punk
Ora: 21:00
Pret: 20 avans/25 la intrare
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Multumim pentru intelegere!
Please keep the access wristbands (Spectators & Staff) in sight for the entire length of the event. Loosing or damaging them will automatically mean loosing the access for the show. For this show there will be no protection fence in front of of the stage so please pay maximum attention to the sound equipment.
Thank you for understanding!
Eventbook & HC RO - Undergound Suppport & Booking Agent
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