Stiluri: Post grunge
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Nickelback
Three Days Grace
Breaking Benjamin
Foo Fighters
The Pretty Reckless
Poets Of The Fall
Alter Bridge
Stiri cu Creed
Solistul Creed, homeless (video)
Scott Stapp, solistul Creed, a postat online un mesaj video emotionant, prin care solicita ajutor. Scott sustine ca, in urma unui control al fiscului american, i-au fost blocate conturile, fiind privat de absolut toate sumele pe care le detinea. Nu in ultimul rand, acesta sustine ca sume...
MARK TREMONTI dezvaluie coperta albumului solo
Mark Tremonti, chitaristul Creed si Alter Bridge, a dezvaluit artwork-ul noului sau album solo, "All I Was", programat pentru lansare la sfarsitul primaverii/inceputul verii. Titlurile pieselor care vor aparea pe album sunt urmatoarele: All I Was Brains So You''re Afraid You Waste Your...
Creed se reunesc in 2012
Potrivit The Pulse Of Radio, tobosarul Scott Phillips a confirmat ca Alter Bridge vor lua o pauza de un an pentru ca membrii sa-si concentreze eforturile in revenirea grupului Creed. Intre timp solistul Myles Kennedy va colabora din nou cu Slash pentru inregistrarea unui nou album. 'Mai avem cateva saptamani...
Muzica Creed te poate salva de moarte si lupi
Potrivit Spiegel Online, un baiat norvegian in varsta de 13 ani a evitat atacul unui grup de lupi multumita unei piese Creed. Potrivit unui raport, baiatul se intorcea de la scoala in momentul in care patru lupi i-au aparut in cale. Baiatul a scos mobilul si a dat la maxim volumul pe o piesa...
Vezi cum s-a construit scena Rock N Rev 2010
Stire adaugata de psycho21 cu ajutorul tool-ului de Citizen Journalism oferit gratuit de METALHEAD. Scrie si tu ! Vezi cum se contruieste o scena a unui festival de amploare, Rock N Rev 2010. Festival unde vor participa Guns N Roses, Three Days Grace, Creed, Daughtry, 3 Doors Down, Pop Evil, Hellyah,...
Videoclipuri Creed
Muzica Creed
Top Versuri Creed
With Arms Wide Open
Freedom Fighter
Don't Stop Dancing
Who's Got My Back?
My Own Prison
Roadhouse Blues
What s This Life For
Faceless Man
Stand Here With Me
Is This The End?
My Sacrifice
Pity For A Dime
The Song You Sing
In America
Inside Us All
One Last Breath
Who's Got My Back?
To Whom It May Concern
Bound and Tied
Are you Ready?
Wrong Way
What's This Life For?
Is This The End? (Acoustic Version)
Away In Silence
I'm Eighteen
Say I
Don't Stop Dancing
What If
Never Die
Wash Away Those Years
Young Grow Old
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Creed
- Rain Chords
- Higher Chords
- One Last Breath (ver11) Tab
- Overcome Chords
- Lullaby Intro Tab
- Away In Silence ver2 Tab
- Unforgiven Tab
- My Sacrifice Chords
- One Last Breath Chords
- One (ver3) Tab
- One Last Breath Tab
- Ode Bass Tab
- With Arms Wide Open (ver2) Chords
- Lullaby (ver2) Tab
- With Arms Wide Open Bass Tab
- Alone Tab
- Higher Intro Tab
- Hide (ver9) Tab
- Dont Stop Dancing Chords
- One Tab
- One Last Breath (ver2) Bass Tab
- Overcome ver2 Tab
- Signs (ver3) Tab
- Alone Acustic Tab
- Hide Chords
- Six Feet From The Edge Tab
- Whats This Life For (ver2) Tab
- My Sacrifice (ver6) Tab
- Beautiful Bass Tab
- One Last Breath (ver7) Tab
- One Last Breath Intro Tab
- My Sacrifice (ver3) Tab
- Faceless Man Chords
- Sister Bass Tab
- Ode Intro Tab
- Hemroids Tab
- My Sacrifice Bass Tab
- Whats This Life For (ver6) Tab
- Whats This Life For Acoustic Tab
- With Arms Wide Open Chords
- One Last Breath (ver6) Tab
- One Live Tab
- My Sacrifice (ver2) Tab
- Whos Got My Back Bass Tab
- Say I (ver2) Tab
- With Arms Wide Open (ver2) Bass Tab
- Weathered (ver4) Tab
- Signs (ver2) Tab
- Wash Away Those Years Tab
- With Arms Wide Open (ver3) Tab