Big Bang Tab - Cursive

You can take loads of liberties with this song, but here is the basic premise. Feel free
put in whatever dischordant bits you want, but this is what I do.
Also, we all know that Cursive tunes their guitars down a whole step, but you can easily
this song without doing so. This is written in standard EADGBE

Main Riff:
The *'s mean play whatever ugly sounding thing you can and bend it. I normally play 
b|-6--  or b|-5--|- but you can really do whatever.
                     g|-8^-     g|-8^-----------------------------------------------------------------------|


That's the main bit. Repeat as necessary, then go to the palm muted part about the 
not agreeing:

"...Eve, Orginal sin, Idyllic garden..."

Solo (Yes, Tim plays this)


|-----*^-----*^-----*^-----*^-| x2


Let each single powerchord ring until you get to the F#5 repeated.


|-888----888--10/11/13/15--| Repeat as necessary
Those octaves at the end can really be replaced with any stepwise ascension. Just move
the neck 2 frets on each slide. That's just how I play it.

Now add horns, figure out what the hell Ted is playing as lead, and you've got yourself
good song. Email me at for any revisions or suggestions.