Fenriz de la Darkthrone a fost ales membru in consiliul local din Kolbotn
09 Septembrie 2016 de Andreea Gherfi
Gylve "Fenriz" Nagell este unul dintre cei mai renumiti muzicieni ai scenei black metal din intreaga lume. In calitate de cetatean al Kolbotn-ului, o suburbie din Oslo, Fenriz a fost ales ca membru de rezerva al consiliului local.
Intr-un interviu acordat revistei online clrvynt, Fenriz a marturisit ca a fost votat de catre membrii comunitatii dupa ce a postat o fotografie in care isi tinea pisica in brate si pe care scria "Please don't vote for me".
"What is life like in Kolbotn these days?
Nowadays, I’m the neighbor that really takes care of the lawn. But now I’m in the local papers because I got voted in as a politician — involuntarily, I might add. So, I’ve got some support, I guess. But Kolbotn is a tiny place, maybe 9,000 people.
You got voted in involuntarily? Couldn’t you just decline the position?
No, if you get voted in, you have to stay in that position for four years. And then you can pull out. But I’m used to these sort of long-term commitments. [Laughs] Basically, they called and asked if I wanted to be on the list [of backup representatives]. I said yeah, thinking I would be like 18th on the list and I wouldn’t really have to do anything. They just need a list to be able to … well, it’s hard to talk local politics in another language. My campaign was a picture of me holding my cat saying, “Please don’t vote for me.” But people just went nuts. After the election, the boss called me and told me I was a representative. I wasn’t too pleased, and I’m not too pleased about it. It’s boring. There’s not a lot of money in that, either, I can tell you!
So, you’re on the town council, basically.
Yep, that’s it. I’m a local politician. But Norway is very small, so when you’re a local politician, you’re local, man. I’m a pillar of my community."