Scent of (the) Flying Shadows
Are in the Eyes of the Vast Uranus
For these Eyes have seen
The horses of the Universe fade
Oh, Father (the) Fog of Nebula
Your faithful children have escaped
The Walls of Eternity
The Elders Curse-
Snow of the Solstice of the Sun
And what the Eyes of Uranus can see
Far Yonder in the Shade of the Walls
Was happening
Millenniums ago
So whatever lies Beyond the Gate
It lies in the Past
Oh, We are the Hordes of Nebula
Having Travelled
through an Eternal Sea of Void
We glance upon a distant light
Star in the Far; Ye Mighty Sun
Will you Die before We reach
Are you a Fatal result of the Laws of Distance?
The Swords of Time are pointing at our Hearts
The grass here seems
As we face Eternal Misery
[Lyrics by Fenriz, Ca 1990/91]