Biografie Daughtry
Daughtry este o trupa rock din Carolina de Nord, formata de fostul American Idol din 2006, Chris Doughtry. Primul album, 'Daughtry', a fost lansat in 2006. Discul a ajuns pe locul intai doua saptamani in Billboard 200. Primul single de pe album, 'It's Not Over' a fost al optulea cel mai cantat hit la radiourile americane in 2007, iar al doilea single de pe acelasi album a fost al zecelea.
Al doilea album al trupei, 'Leave This Town', a fost lansat pe 14 iulie 2009. Primul single, 'No Surprise', a fost lansat pe 5 mai.
Cu albumul lor de debut, Daughtry au vandut 6,1 milioane de discuri in toata lumea.
Chris Daughtry - voce, chitara (2006–present)
Josh Steely - lchitara, voce (2006–present)
Brian Craddock - chitara, voce (2007–present)
Josh "JP" Paul - bass, voce (2006–present)
Joey Barnes - tobe, voce, clape (2006–present)
Daughtry (2006)
Leave This Town (2009)
Daughtry......Toata biografia Daughtry
Artisti cu stiluri similare: AC/DC
Guns N Roses
Linkin Park
Vita de Vie
Bon Jovi
Deep Purple
Green Day
Stiri cu Daughtry
Daughtry au fost nominalizati la Premiile Industriei Muzicale Americane
Daughtry au fost nominalizati la Premiile Industriei Muzicale Americane pentru trofeul Adult Contemporary Music Favorite Artist. Ceremonia va avea loc in data de 22 noiembrie si va fi transmisa in direct pe ABC. Solistul Chris Daughtry a declarat: 'Trupa este foarte mandra de acest nou album si in acelasi...
Top Billboard Hard Rock Albums (4 septembrie 2009)
Schimbari surpriza saptamana aceasta in topul Billboard Rock Albums. Primul loc a fost adjudecat de Colbie Caillat cu albumul Breakthrough, o artista de alternative rock ce in ultima vreme adjudeca din ce in ce mai multe pozitii fruntase in topurile de referinta. Pe locul doi se situeaza Skillet si...
Daughtry se gandesc la un turneu drept cap de afis
Daughtry se gandesc la un turneu drept cap de afis, sigur nu la fel de grandios ca turneul gigant U2, ci unul ce va avea loc in sali cu o capacitate medie. Solistul Chirs Daughtry a declarat: 'Nu vrem sa ne facem iluzii, vrem concerte cu sali mici si medii. Inca nu avem un program confirmat, inca lucram la...
Videoclipuri Daughtry
Top Versuri Daughtry
Feels Like Tonight
No Surprise
Life After You
Its Not Over
Over You
All These Lives
Back To Me
There and Back Again
Used To
What I Want
What About Now
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Daughtry
- Poker Face Chords
- No Surprise Tab
- What About Now Chords
- Breakdown Chords
- No Surprise ver4 Chords
- Crashed Chords
- September Chords
- Life After You Chords
- What About Now (ver3) Chords
- Feels Like Tonight Chords
- No Surprise Acoustic Tab
- What I Meant To Say Chords
- Tennessee Line Chords
- Learn My Lesson Chords
- Spotlight (album) Chords
- Rocketman Chords
- Home Chords
- Poker Face Acoustic Tab
- Call Your Name Chords
- Home Tab
- Home (ver5) Chords
- Its Not OverChords
- Used To Chords
- What I Want Tab
- Gone Chords
- Used To (ver2) Chords
- What About Now (ver2) Chords
- Home (ver2) Chords
- Crashed (ver3) Chords
- Crashed Acoustic Chords
- You Dont Belong Tab
- Home (ver7) Chords
- Crashed Acoustic Tab
- Its Not OverTab
- What I Want Bass Tab
- Home (ver6) Chords
- Crashed (ver2) Tab
- Crashed (ver2) Chords
- Open Up Your Eyes Chords
- Sorry Tab
- Supernatural Chords
- Feels Like Tonight Tab
- Home Intro Tab
- Home Bass Tab
- Used To Tab
- All These Lives Chords
- Crashed Tab
- Home (ver4) Chords
- All These Lives (ver2) Chords
- Home (ver3) Chords