Greensky Greenlake Tab - Dead Meadow

Transcribed by Danleary

Standard Tuning


 ^ : Bend [1/4, 1/2, 1, etc.]
 v : Bring bend back down
 / : Slide into
  : Slide out of
 h : Hammer on
 p : Pull Off
(-): Do not pick note
 = : Vibrato
 x : Mute


Plays again at 1:45,

Strum chords in a sweep-like fashion. He riffs around that final E
chord a few times throughout the song, creating some variation.

Let Ring.

0:00                   0:04                  0:08


Variation I

2:40                            2:43


Bridge solo

With wah-wah pedal.

0:40                        0:44                0:48                 0:51
               [1]                                          [1/2]

0:52              0:54              0:57        0:59               1:03

1:03                      1:07             |1:37

                     [Repeat; Back to 0:40]