Decapitated Chords & Tabs

Decapitated este o trupa de tehnical death metal din Polonia. Muzica precum si versurile ii plaseaza in zona extrema a acestui gen. Trupa a luat nastere in 1996, atunci cand majoritatea membrilor aveau 14 ani. In 1997 au lansat primul demo intitulat Cemeterial Gardens, iar un an mai tarziu a urmat The Eye of Horus . Dupa aceste lansari trupa a semnat cu Earache Records, unde au lansat albumul de debut, Winds of Creation. Decapitaded sunt considerati cea mai tanara formatie de metal extrem, care a avut parte de un debut fulminant. In......Biografie Decapitated

Winds Of Creation Tab

The Negation Tab

The First Damned Tab

Suffer The Children Napalm Death CoverTab

Suffer The Children Tab

Spheres Of Madness Bass Tab

Spheres Of Madness Tab

Names Tab

Lying And Weak Tab

Fury Tab

Eternity Too Tab

Day 69 Tab

Babylons Pride Bass Tab

Babylons Pride Tab

Sensual Sickness Solo Tab

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