Pentru solistul Decrepit Birth stage divingul s-a terminat cu un accident

de Cristi Nedelcu

Pentru solistul Decrepit Birth stage divingul s-a terminat cu un accident

Decrepit Birth si Arsis au inceput un turneu impreuna vinerea trecuta. Doar ca nu l-au inceput cum trebuie.

Bill Robinson, solistul Decrepit Birth si-a rupt femurul ca urmare a unei entative de stage dive care nu a iesit cum trebuia.

'ATTENTION! Bill broke his femur on Saturday while performing at the Glass House in Pomona, California. He was seriously injured and was rushed to the hospital where he is getting surgery done for his leg. Unfortunately we will miss the next 4 or so shows while we wait with him at the hospital. We will catch back up with the tour asap and finish this off even if we have to wheel Bill out in a wheelchair on stage. He says whatever it takes! Which is pretty f*****g crazy!'

In timp ce cadea a spus "You fuckers should have caught me"

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