Roger Glover de la Deep Purple isi va lansa autobiografia in curand
09 Decembrie 2020 de Cristi Nedelcu
Roger Glover a confirmat intr-un interviu acordat pe canalul de YouTube al casei de discuri earMUSIC, ca lansarea autobiografiei sale a intarziat din cauza noului coronavirus.
"I've been toying with writing a book for several years, but not really doing much about it. But since this pandemic situation and being stuck at home, I've actually started with a great deal of energy and I've made great progress. The only problem is, as much progress as I make, I realize how much there is yet to come that's very important. I've got to about the point now where I'm joining PURPLE. And a lot of that was easy, because I kept diaries in the '60s. So a lot of notes and gig lists and stuff were in the diaries. But when I joined PURPLE, I stopped writing, so it's all gone. It's all whatever I can think of now, so it's difficult. But I'm gonna do it — I'm determined."
Cu doi ani in urma, Roger a declarat ca lucreaza de aproximativ la 5 ani la volumul biografic.
"It's not easy, because I didn't want a ghostwriter, but I enjoy good writing, and it's a pleasure to write. It's hard to look back and capture who I was years ago. I look at videos of myself playing and I think, 'Who is that person?' It's not possible to capture what was in your mind at the time, because memories aren't always reliable. I've found a load of diaries from the '60s, and I've kept a journal for the last 30 years or so. I just have to work out what I did in the '70s."
Intregul interviu poate fi vazut mai jos.
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