Demon Hunter
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Slipknot
Linkin Park
Vita de Vie
Green Day
Bullet for My Valentine
30 Seconds to Mars
Stiri cu Demon Hunter
Demon Hunter au lansat clipul pentru 'Lesser Gods'
Piesa este preluata de pe ultimul album al trupei, "War", ce a fost lansat in luna martie 2019. Clipul a fost regizat si editat de Brad Hartley alaturi de Andy Maier. Demon Hunter este o formatie americana de metal fondata in 2000 de catre fratii Don Clark si Ryan Clark. Trupa a lansat 10 materiale...
Demon Hunter au lansat un lyric video pentru piesa 'Cold Winter Sun'
Americanii de la Demon Hunter au lansat un lyric video pentru piesa "Cold Winter Sun" extrasa de pe cel de-al 8-lea album de studio al trupei, "Outlive", ce urmeaza a fi lansat anul viitor, in luna martie. Piesa poate fi ascultata mai jos. "It’s been a long time coming…...
Demon Hunter reactioneaza la scandalul Seal Team 6 - Osama Bin Laden
Demon Hunter au ajuns pe primele pagini ale ziarelor in urma unui articol publicat de Esquire in care un soldat SEAL - membru al fortei armate responsabile pentru asasinarea lui Osama Bin Laden - a recunoscut ca el si echipa sa foloseau muzica trupei drept metoda de interogare a detinutilor. Mai mult, soldatul...
Muzica Metallica si Demon Hunter, folosita pentru asasinarea lui Osama Bin Laden
Metallica si Demon Hunter au devenit subiectul unui nou articol despre asasinarea lui Osama Bin Laden. In mod surprinzator, potrivit unuia din membrii SEAL ce l-au impuscan pe Bin Laden, muzica formatiei Metallica era folosita pentru a 'speria' oamenii inainte de interogari. Formatia a aflat insa despre...
Asculta o noua piesa DEMON HUNTER, Wake
Wake, o noua piesa semnata de grupul american Demon Hunter, poate fi acum ascultata pe Facebook . Pesa este extrasa de pe viitorul album intitulat True Defiance , disponibil pe piata in data de 10 aprilie via Solid State Records. Discul este produs de Aaron Sprinkle (Anberlin, Emery) si mixat de Jason...
Videoclipuri Demon Hunter
Muzica Demon Hunter
Top Versuri Demon Hunter
A Thread Of Light
04. My Heartstrings Come Undone
Carry Me Down
05. Our Faces Fall Apart
The Wrath Of God
12. The Tide Began To Rise
Fading Away
10. I Play Dead
I Am You
11. Ribcage
01. Not Ready to Die
09. Annihilate the Corrupt
8. One Thousand Apologies
Follow The Wolves
1. The Flame That Guides Us Home
2. Not I
07. And the Sky Went Red
No Reason To Exist
Grand Finale
Storm The Gates Of Hell
02. The Awakening
06. Less Than Nothing
5. Deteriorate
08. As We Wept
13. The Latest and the Last
10. Snap Your Fingers, Snap Your Neck
01. Screams of the Undead
10. The Gauntlet
03. Beheaded
11. Everything Was White
3. Undying
9. The Science Of Lies
Fiction Kingdom
03. Infected
07. Summer of Darkness
04. My Throat Is an Open Grave
02. I Have Seen Where It Grows
12. Coffin Builder
7. Fire To My Soul
4. Relentless Intolerence
09. A Broken Upper Hand
Lead Us Home
06. Turn Your Back and Run
08. Beauty Through the Eyes of a Predator
05. Through the Black
Driving Nails
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Demon Hunter
- Fading Away Acoustic Chords
- Fading Away Chords
- One Thousand Apologies Chords
- My Heartstrings Come Undone Tab
- Tide Began To Rise Acoustic Tab
- My Heartstrings Come Undone (ver2) Tab
- Summer Of Darkness Tab
- Not Ready To Die Tab
- Through The Black Tab
- Our Faces Fall Apart Intro Tab
- Deteriorate Tab
- Fire To My Soul (ver2) Tab
- Not I Tab
- Soldiers Song Solo Tab
- Heartstrings Come Undone Bass Tab
- Infected Tab
- Soldiers Song Intro Tab
- Fire To My Soul Tab
- Latest And The Last Tab
- Gauntlet Tab
- One Thousand Apologies Intro Tab
- One Thousand Apologies Intro (ver2) Tab
- Deteriorate (ver2) Tab
- Deteriorate (ver4) Tab
- Flame That Guides Us Home Tab
- I Play Dead Tab
- My Throat Is An Open Grave Tab
- Turn Your Back And Run Tab
- My Throat Is An Open Grave Bass Tab
- Beheaded Tab
- Screams Of The Undead Tab
- Snap Your Fingers Snap Your Neck Bass Tab
- Triptych (album) Tab
- 1000 Apologies Tab
- I Am You Tab
- Not I Bass Tab
- Science Of Lies Tab
- Science Of Lies Solo Tab
- Our Faces Fall Apart Tab
- Undying Tab
- Annihilate The Corrupt Acoustic Chords
- Annihlate The Corrupt Tab
- A Broken Upper Hand Tab
- Deteriorate (ver3) Tab
- Ribcage Tab
- Fading Away ver2 Tab
- One Thousand Apologies (ver2) Tab
- Fading Away Acoustic ver2 Chords
- Collapsing Tab
- Tie This Around Your Neck Tab