Ping pong-ul de reprosuri si cuvinte acide dintre redactorii revistei Metalsucks si K.K. Warslut (Destroyer 666) a ajuns intr-un moment critic.
K.K. Warslut ii acuza pe cei de la Metalsucks ca articolele publicate pe site au generat o serie de amenintari cu moartea la adresa membrilor formatiei. Redactorii revistei au publicat un articol in care isi prezinta scuzele fata de cele intamplate.
"It has recently come to our attention that members of Australian black metal band Destroyer 666 have been receiving death threats related to articles we published on MetalSucks last week.
All of us at MetalSucks are appalled. Under no circumstances do we condone violence, or threats of violence, against anyone for any reason. We encourage open discourse on this website and in our comments section, but it should be relegated to just that — conversation.
Additionally, we spoke with K.K. Warslut directly, and he vehemently denies all of the accusations leveled against him.
We apologize to any members of Destroyer 666 who have felt threatened or whose names have been dragged into the mud on account of our actions. We have taken down the prior posts about the band to avoid drawing further attention to the situation and will refrain from posting anything further on the matter."
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