» Dimmu Borgir » DIMMU BORGIR a lansat un cover al piesei "Perfect Strangers" de la DEEP PURPLE, cover care face parte din colectia "Inspiratio Profanus"
DIMMU BORGIR a lansat un cover al piesei "Perfect Strangers" de la DEEP PURPLE, cover care face parte din colectia "Inspiratio Profanus"
10 Noiembrie 2023 de Cristi Nedelcu
Dimmu Borgir a lansat un cover pentru clasica melodie semnata Deep Purple „Perfect Strangers”. Piesa este preluata de pe viitoarea colectie de melodii cover ale formatiei DIMMU BORGIR, „Inspiratio Profanus”, care va fi disponibila din 8 decembrie prin Nuclear Blast Records.
Chitaristul DIMMU BORGIR Sven Atle Kopperud (alias Silenoz) a declarat: "The idea of doing 'Perfect Strangers' came about quite a while before we actually got around to recording it. It's a known song by a very well-known band that has influenced many to pick up an instrument. I mean, is there anyone who doesn't like DEEP PURPLE?! We incorporated our little twist to it while at the same time wanted to stay close to the original. But perhaps it is the more obvious aspects that come to mind when hearing it; the integration between the main musical elements that we also made use of since the beginning like keyboards and guitars."
Silenoz a mai spus anterior despre „Inspiratio Profanus”: "We're pleased to announce the 'Inspiratio Profanus' release! We thought it was about time to finally compile the cover songs we've done over the years and give these renditions an updated mastering, all in one package, highlighting some of our many influences!"
In ceea ce priveste primul single „Black Metal”, Silenoz a spus: "'Black Metal', the track and its origin, features something really primeval, raw and unhinged. There is lawlessness and danger connected to it. We did our best to capture the spirit of the ancient gods' rock 'n' roll 24 years later. Did we do it justice? I think so."
"Inspiratio Profanus" include de asemenea preferatul fanilor „Burn In Hell” (TWISTED SISTER) si interpretari electrizante de la CELTIC FROST, precum si alti artisti extrem de influenti.
Lista de piese „Inspiratio Profanus”:
01. Black Metal (VENOM)
02. Satan My Master (BATHORY)
03. Dead Men Don't Rape (G.G.F.H.)
04. Nocturnal Fear (CELTIC FROST)
05. Burn In Hell (TWISTED SISTER)
06. Perfect Strangers (DEEP PURPLE)
07. Metal Heart (ACCEPT)
08. Nocturnal Fear (Celtically Processed) (CELTIC FROST)
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