Valor they instill to face certain death in conflict
Win the war through discipline, trained to follow orders
Dilettantes of
war, torn apart
Send them all to be slaughtered, standard training set
In a dark, distant, foreign shithole, wretched
Approaching the vile sphere of contention, breathing the smoke, the dust
Blood-soaked earth, stained red oceans, four your
Sudden hail, gunfire, half the men drop dead
Troops lost in transport, waste of lives
Terrified grunts die
Send them all to be slaughtered
Insufficient base munitions
Compelled by force to fight until death
causualty, amateurs who all die before they learn to fight
Ruthless commanders order them to rush upon their imminent, abrupt
Strategy of attrition, mobbing them, flailing corpses use up ammunition
Bravery cut in half by enemy artillery, or cowardice
punished by friendly
Charge ahead, expending divisions
Impotence, gaining no ground
Bodies thrown, conduct in war,
Primitive, only two ways home
Terrified grunts die confused
Reluctant and afraid to attack
How will anyone survive
Only hope, victory or death
Certain causualty, amateurs who all die before they learn to fight
Ruthless commanders
order them to rush upon their imminent, abrupt ends
Dying in a dump, ordinance, erode tactics, know what you must do to
Hiding in the dead, lying still, bare cover, strike in stealth and then
Forge ahead, retiring their
Spilling their confounded blood
Undermine their efforts to defeat us
Running gun, only two ways home
Dig in and
fire until the way is clear
Plummet of ruins, slums further defaced
Snipers take heads, harass your progress
Take them out,
pierce their eyes through their scopes
Die for honor, motherland, strewn about, piles of corpses
Losing every last brave man,
better than surrender
Inescapable nightmare, resolve unflinching
Never bow to tyranny
Make them pay for every step they