Stiluri: Alternative
Artisti cu stiluri similare: Linkin Park
Vita de Vie
Green Day
30 Seconds to Mars
Luna Amara
Stiri cu Eels
Solistul Eels se razbuna pe Londra dupa acuzatia de terorism (video)
Mark "E" Everett (Eels) a dezvaluit recent in ce fel noul videoclip al trupei este o forma de razbunare fata de Londra, dupa ce solistul a fost confundat cu un terorist si retinut de politia londoneza in iunie. Everett , cu barba sa consistenta, se plimba prin Hyde Park in pauza dintre doua interviuri...
Solistul Eels a impartit inghetata la V Festival
Mark "E" Everett a impartit inghetata fanilor veniti pe 22 august la evenimentul britanic V Festival din Chelmsford (21-22 august). Solistul a aruncat inghetata in public in timpul concertului trupei sale de pe V Stage . Cel mai nou album al trupei Eels se lanseaza astazi, 23 august, sub numele...
Eels au publicat online premiera piesei "Spectacular Girl"
Trupa Eels a publicat online recent piesa "Spectacular Girl" in premiera. Piesa apartine viitorului album al trupei, " Tomorrow Morning ". Puteti asculta piesa si afla mai multe detalii pe mergand pe Spinner . Mark Oliver Everett, liderul Eels , a fost interogat de politia...
Liderul trupei Eels a fost luat drept terorist
Mark Oliver Everett, liderul Eels, a fost interogat de politia londoneza in Hyde Park pe 21 iunie, dupa ce o persoana suspecta care ii semana a fost raportata in apropierea unei ambasade. Everett , cu barba sa consistenta, se plimba prin parc in pauza dintre doua interviuri pentru a promova noul album al trupei....
Eels dezvaluie tracklist-ul noului album
Eels au dezvaluit tracklist-ul pentru viitoru lor album intitulat Tomorrow Morning. Discul va fi lansat in data de 23 august si reprezinta a doua lansare pe acest an din partea grupului. Eels au in palmares inca un album lansat in 2010, intitulat End Times . Tracklist-ul pentru...
Top Versuri Eels
The Longing
All the Beautiful Things
Ordinary Man
In My Dreams
My Timing Is Off
Paradise Blues
Apple Trees
I Need a Mother
Fresh Blood
Hey Man (Now You'Re Really Living)
That Look You Give That Guy
Beginner's Luck
Novocaine For The Soul
Sad Foot Sign
Tremendous Dynamite
Eight Lives Left
From Which I Came / A Magic World
Hello Cruel World
P.S. You Rock My World
Ordinary Man
Checkout Blues
Christmas Is Going To The Dogs
Eyes Down
Guest List
Ant Farm
It's A Motherfucker
Sweet Li'l Thing
Dead Of Winter
Things The Grandchildren Should Know
Are You & Me Gonna Happen
Dust Of Ages
Elizabeth On The Bathroom Floor
Hidden Track
I Write The B-Sides
Lone Wolf
Someone To Break The Spell
Not Ready Yet
Some Friend
Fresh Feeling
Love Of The Loveless
Mighty Fine Blues
Going Fetal
Going To Your Funeral, Pt. 1
I Like Birds
Acorduri, Tabs & Chords Eels
- That Look You Gave That Guy Chords
- I Want To Protect You Chords
- Beautiful Freak Chords
- Man Up Chords
- Hey Man Chords
- Flyswatter Tab
- Dead Of Winter Chords
- I Like Birds Chords
- Woman Driving Man Sleeping Chords
- All In A Days Work Chords
- Bad News Chords
- 3 Speed Chords
- Numbered Days Chords
- Things The Grandchildren Should Know Chords
- Spunky Tab
- Thats Not Really Funny Bass Tab
- Nowadays Chords
- Wrong About Bobby Solo Tab
- Wooden Nickels Chords
- Your Lucky Day In Hell Chords
- My Beloved Monster Chords
- Its A Motherfucker Chords
- Grace Kelly Blues (ver3) Chords
- Ps You Rock My World Chords
- Things The Grandchildren Should Know (ver2) Chords
- I Like Birds ver4 Chords
- Flower Chords
- I Like Birds Bass Tab
- Fucker (ver2) Chords
- Blinking Lights For Me (ver2) Chords
- Climbing To The Moon Chords
- 3 Speed Tab
- Mighty Fine Blues Chords
- Saturday Morning Chords
- World Of Shit Tab
- Love Of The Loveless Tab
- Ant Farm Chords
- Suicide Life Chords
- Guest List (ver3) Tab
- I Need Some Sleep Chords
- Somebody Loves You Chords
- Friendly Ghost Chords
- The Sound Of Fear Chords
- Woman Driving Man Sleeping Tab
- From Which I Came A Magic World Chords
- Susans House (ver2) Bass Tab
- I Like The Way This Is Going Chords
- Dirty Girl Chords
- Guest List Tab
- Navocaine For The Soul Chords